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Enrollment deposits for admitted first-year students are due by May 1. To confirm your place in the freshman class, visit your Future Knight Portal.

Congratulations on Your Admission!

As a newly admitted student, you’ll want to start planning for your transition to UCF right away. Here is a list of next steps to help make your first days at UCF easier.

After Receiving an Offer of Admission

Confirmation & Deposit

Confirm your offer of admission by logging in to your Future Knight Portal. First-Time-In-College (freshmen) students are required to submit a nonrefundable $200 enrollment deposit by May 1. Orientation registration cannot take place until the deposit has been satisfied. The enrollment deposit can be submitted online by credit or debit card. Visit our FAQ to learn how to request a waiver of the enrollment deposit on the basis of a financial hardship.

Transfer students who have completed 12 or more college credits after high school graduation are not required to submit an enrollment deposit.


You must enroll for the term indicated on your admission letter. If you do not register for your original admission term, your classes will be dropped for subsequent terms and your admission revoked. If you wish to change your term of application, you must submit a new application and fee or eligible fee waiver.

Check your admission letter for the accuracy of your name, entrance term, address and major. Address, telephone and email changes can be made on your Future Knight Portal. All other changes must be submitted in writing to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.


We encourage students to register for the earliest Orientation session possible. The earlier you respond, the better your opportunity for your first-choice session. For more information about our mandatory Orientation, visit

Opportunities for Freshmen

Incoming first-time-in-college students are encouraged to explore opportunities to enhance their learning through one or more engagement programs.


A variety of on- and off-campus living arrangements are available to all students (except UCF Online students). If you are interested in living in the residence halls, apply as soon as possible. It is recommended that you complete an application before the end of March.

UCF Email

Admitted students will be provided with a UCF email address. Once you register for classes, official UCF communication will only be sent to your UCF email — no other email address will be used.

Submit Required Documents


Prior to registration, you must submit a completed Immunization Health History form provided by UCF Health Services. If this is not completed prior to your Orientation session, you will not be able to register for classes during Orientation.

UCF Online students must contact UCF Health Services at 407-823-2701 (Ext. 4).

Residency for Tuition Purposes

A Florida “resident for tuition purposes” is a person who has, or a dependent person whose parent or legal guardian has, established and maintained legal residency in Florida for at least 12 consecutive months preceding the first day of classes of the term for which Florida residency is sought.

Confirm your residency status for tuition purposes on your Future Knight Portal. Once you register for classes, access your fee invoice and ensure that appropriate tuition fees are assessed.

Final Transcripts

FRESHMEN:  A copy of your official final transcript showing the date of high school graduation is due no later than June 30 for students enrolling in the summer term and no later than July 15 for students enrolling in fall. If your transcript does not match information provided on your SPARK Form, your offer of admission may be rescinded. You must also submit official final transcripts from every post-secondary institution (i.e. dual enrollment) attended.

TRANSFERS:  A copy of your official final transcripts from each institution attended is required. If you satisfied the foreign language requirement in high school, a copy of your official final high school transcript must be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

ALL:  Failure to provide final transcripts to UCF may also delay the disbursement of financial aid. Failure to meet all admission criteria will result in a change in your eligibility for financial aid. Your admission is contingent upon your successful completion of all coursework at a level consistent with that at the time of admission. Your enrollment is not complete until all official final transcripts and test scores are on file in our office. The status of these transcripts is available on your Future Knight Portal. Failure to provide final transcripts will jeopardize your ability to adjust your schedule, register for future terms, receive grades or have transcripts sent to other institutions.

NOTE: All documents, including documents submitted electronically, require processing time. Document processing time varies by time of year:

  • Non-peak: 5-7 business days minimum
  • Peak times (around application deadlines and first few weeks of each semester): 7-10 business days minimum

To avoid delays, submit all required documents as early as possible and well before deadlines.

Score Reports

If you have taken AP, IB, AICE or CLEP exams, you must have official score reports sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Financial Assistance

Financial aid is available to students who have been offered admission, determined eligible, filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), classified as a degree-seeking student, enrolled in at least one UCF class for the term they have been admitted, and met all other eligibility requirements. If your first term of enrollment at UCF is the summer term, you must first complete the prior year’s FAFSA in order to receive financial aid for that term.

If you are a financial aid recipient, your eligibility is based, in part, upon the assumption that you have met the admission contingencies specified in your admission letter. If it is later determined that you failed to meet an admission contingency, you will no longer be eligible for financial aid and it will be canceled. In addition, you will be responsible for repaying any financial aid disbursed to you.

If you have questions, contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance at 407-823-2827. You can also schedule an appointment by calling 407-823-5285. For more steps on applying for financial aid, visit the Office of Student Financial Assistance.


UCF Dining Memberships are convenient, flexible and loaded with options. Anyone with a valid UCF ID may purchase a Dining Membership. All Members gain access to dining locations with a range of menus and offerings all across campus. All Dining Memberships are voluntary, providing an open-access community atmosphere that give members the opportunity to study, socialize and maintain a healthy diet. All Members will receive value, whether you eat on campus three times a week or three times a day!

Transfer Credits

For first-time-in-college students coming to UCF with transfer credits, college-level credits from accredited institutions of higher education (meeting university transfer eligibility requirements) will transfer. However, all of your credits may not meet your specific degree requirements. The department of your major will determine how these credits will be used. UCF currently uses a plus/minus system in calculating grade point average. In addition, grade forgiveness is honored only if it has been awarded as part of an A.A. or statewide articulated A.S. degree from a Florida public community college, state college or university. An official general listing (Transfer Summary Report) of your transfer courses, based on the courses listed on official transcripts received at the time of admission, will be available online at myUCF.

Foreign Language

The foreign language admission requirement consists of demonstration of competency of a foreign language or American Sign Language equivalent to the second high school level or the postsecondary elementary 2 level. If you have not met this requirement, you will be required to do so prior to graduation from UCF. If you satisfied this requirement in high school, you must submit an official high school transcript to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

There may be additional foreign language graduation requirements for individual majors. Please contact the department of your major for details.


Failure to provide final transcripts, official test scores or residency documentation will result in a hold being placed on your account. These holds will affect your ability to adjust your schedule, register for future terms, receive grades or have transcripts sent to other institutions. These holds will also delay the disbursement of financial aid.

Register for Classes

Major and Career Exploration

We’ve provided a road map and strategies for students in the process of exploring different majors and careers. These resources help you build self-knowledge, educational knowledge, occupational knowledge and decision-making knowledge as it relates to deciding on majors and careers.

Course Catalog

The Undergraduate Catalog will give you all the academic and administrative information that you need for your Orientation. Be sure you familiarize yourself with the catalog so you can be advised about the courses that you need.


Pay for Classes

Log in to the myUCF Student Center to view your fee invoice, or accept or decline awards, Acceptable forms of payment include checks, money orders, most major credit cards (excluding Visa) and international wire transfers.


You can order your textbooks online from the UCF bookstore. Enter your course schedule, and find a list of everything you’ll need.

Student ID

You will have the opportunity to receive your UCF Card while attending Orientation. In order to receive this card, you will need to know your UCFID and NID and bring a valid government-issued photo ID with you. Acceptable forms of ID include driver’s license, state ID card or passport.


Students who park a vehicle on the University of Central Florida campus must purchase a parking permit. The registered owner of the permit is responsible for all infractions and penalties attributed to the permit, even if expired. There are two choices: decal (stick-on) permits, which must be permanently attached to the vehicle as per the instruction on the back of the decal, or hang tag permits, which must be displayed on the rear view mirror.

Campus Map

Familiarizing yourself with a new school can be difficult for many students, but we make it easy with our Interactive Map. An easy way to learn the campus is to take a walk. At first, the UCF campus may seem overwhelming, but it’s one of the easier campuses to navigate. Don’t wait until the first day of classes to walk around — you’ll be late. Practice walking to your classes to be sure you have enough time between classes.

Student Resources

UCF provides students with a multitude of resources to help achieve success. The Student Development and Enrollment Services website has a list of student resources to help you succeed.

Have Fun!

College is an exciting time. While making good grades is your top priority, there will be plenty of time for fun. Join an intramural sports team, club or organization. Use your time at UCF to grow your resume but have fun doing it. Charge on!

College Advice from Recent Grads