Greetings from the University of Central Florida, and for many of you, welcome back to school and another academic year!
Here are the updates for the month of September from the UCF Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
It was great seeing many of you on the Florida SUS Admission Directors Tour. Our recruitment team is on the road again and looks forward to meeting many of you over the next few months. Our priority during travel season is ensuring we have representation at college fairs on the Florida Tour Schedule. We may be able to honor other fair and visit requests as time and budget permit. If you have questions regarding a school visit or event invitation, please let us know.
Application review for Summer and Fall 2019 has already begun. The Scholarship Committee will begin considering admitted students for merit awards in October, and housing agreements will be available for admitted students beginning in November. Remember that increased scholarship and housing availability are two advantages that benefit students who apply to UCF early in their senior year.
You may have received a survey recently inquiring about your communication preferences from UCF. Thanks to those of you who have shared your thoughts on videos like this. If you haven’t weighed in, the survey is still available by clicking HERE.
And finally, football season has officially kicked off!! In 2017 the UCF Knights went 13 and 0 and we are all looking forward to an exciting season in 2018. Our Athletic Department has generously provided a limited number of tickets to home games designated for high school college counselors. Tickets are still available for some games. If you’re interested in attending a game, please email Salliann Phrampus with your request.
As always, thank you for your support of UCF. We hope your school year is off to a great start.
Go Knights and Charge On!!!