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UCF is ranked among the top 20 colleges in the nation – 9th among public universities – and second in Florida for its number of enrolled National Merit Scholars. Our top-notch academic programs, competitive scholarship packages and exciting location attract some of the most talented and accomplished students from across the country.

Packages and Benefits

male ucf student sitting outside

You will be considered for a scholarship upon admission to UCF if you are named a National Merit Semifinalist. If you advance to become a National Merit Finalist and designate UCF as your “first-choice” with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation by the May 31 deadline, you will be considered for an increased award from UCF.

Florida residents who advance to become National Merit Finalists will be awarded the Benacquisto Scholarship in addition to the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship.

Out-of-state National Merit Finalists are eligible for our competitive National Merit Scholarship package valued at more than $25,000 per year for four years.

As a National Merit Finalist, you can apply for special privileges at UCF, including:

*With application

Visiting the Campus

ucf teaching academy with 2 students waking in the foreground toward the camera

The best way to learn about UCF’s campus and culture is to visit us. National Merit Semifinalists have the opportunity to arrange a personalized, private visit to explore our campus. You can schedule a visit year-round Monday through Friday, except on holidays.

When you request your visit, tell us who and what you would like to see and provide a few dates that work for you. As a National Merit student, you can:

Thumbnail of the cover of the 2025 Scholars Newsletter

2025 National Merit Scholar Newsletter

Congratulations! The honor of being named a National Merit Semifinalist is a distinction reserved for the most talented high school students in the nation. At UCF, we recognize, celebrate and honor your exceptional achievements. Our UCF Scholar newsletter is written to help inform you of opportunities, address common questions, and offer guidance on joining our community of creators, doers, thinkers and leaders. We invite you to read below and see how UCF can help you unleash your potential and achieve your goals.
Read the 2025 National Merit Scholar Newsletter

Hayden Lau

We’re Here to Help

We know that the college admissions process can be daunting. That’s why we work one-on-one with National Merit students and their parents to answer questions and help determine if UCF is the right fit.

Your personal contact for the National Merit Scholarship Program is Hayden Lau. Feel free to contact Hayden with any questions or if you would like to schedule a campus visit.

If you’d like to get the perspective of a current National Merit scholar, jump to our student section to read biographies of just some of the 300+ National Merit scholars enrolled at UCF.

Scholars Program Student Assistants

Each year, National Merit scholars from across the nation make the decision to join the UCF Knights family. With 340 National Merit students currently enrolled at UCF, you’re in good company. But don’t take our word for it. The Scholars Program student assistants are happy to share their UCF experience with you. And when you visit campus, you’ll have the opportunity to meet one of these students and hear from them firsthand.


Sammy Gurgiolo
Westerville, Ohio
Mechanical Engineering with minors in Music and Intelligent Robotic Systems
Future Goals
I hope to work in the themed entertainment industry after I graduate, but I’m open to anything where I can combine my interests in engineering and the arts in some way.
Favorite Thing about UCF
I love the opportunities available on campus, such as presentations and workshops from local professionals, research with dozens of different labs, and clubs for every interest you can think of. Every week I find something new and fun that I can take part in.

National Merit student Raj


Raj Khuperkar
Troy, Michigan
Biomedical Sciences
Future Goals
I plan to attend medical school and eventually open my own private practice.
Favorite Thing about UCF
UCF is such a large university that everyone is bound to find a community they can grow in. It’s a campus full of opportunities, friends and fun!


Gianna Meccia
Dunnellon, Florida
Economics with a minor in Business Analytics
Future Goals
I plan to get a master’s in economics and become a financial analyst for a large corporation.
Favorite Thing about UCF
My favorite aspect of UCF is the positive environment fostered here. All the professors are highly knowledgeable and caring, and they help to create a sense of belonging and community.

National Merit student Niv


Nivedha Srinivasan
Windermere, Florida
Biomedical Sciences with minors in Information Technology and Health Informatics and Information Management
Future Goals
I plan to attend graduate school and work in the field of epidemiology and bioinformatics.
Favorite Thing about UCF
I love the opportunities that are available to students at UCF! You can find a multitude of research opportunities, student organizations and jobs right on campus.

National Merit student Ritisha


Ritisha Suresh
Sanford, Florida
Biomedical Sciences
Future Goals
I plan to attend medical school with the aim of becoming a physician.
Favorite Thing about UCF
I love how UCF provides you with so many opportunities. You can take advantage of whichever ones suit your career aspirations. They truly want to see you excel in your academics and personal lives.