Sending Test Scores
We suggest contacting your school(s) individually to determine how they send transcripts. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions can accept official transcripts through U.S. mail or electronically when sent directly from your school through a secure delivery service.
Standardized test scores should be sent directly from the testing agencies by using the appropriate institution code or by contacting the testing agency directly.
- ACT [code: 0735] Sending scores from ACT
- CLT [no code available at this time] Sending scores from Classic Learning Test
- SAT [code: 5233] Sending scores from College Board
Cambridge AICE
U.S. students may request to have their Cambridge AICE transcript submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions through the Cambridge International Grade Transcript Service. Use the following information when completing the form.
- Name and job title of person receiving results transcript: Debra Reynolds, Director of Operations and Technology
- University name: University of Central Florida
- Mailing address of person receiving results transcript: UCF Undergraduate Admissions, P.O. Box 160111, Orlando, FL 32816-0111
- University email address:
Duolingo, IELTS, TOEFL,
English proficiency test scores should be sent directly from the testing agencies by using the appropriate institution code or by contacting the testing agency directly.
- Duolingo [no code available at this time] Sending scores from Duolingo
- IELTS [no code available at this time] Sending scores from IELTS
- TOEFL [code: 5233] Sending scores from Educational Testing Service
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Depending on the timing of your request and whether International Baccalaureate exam results have been released, IB test takers can order their transcripts to be sent to UCF directly by either contacting their Diploma Programme coordinator or by submitting a request through the IB website. For instructions on requesting a transcript before and after the release of results, please visit the IB website.
Sending Transcripts
We suggest contacting your school(s) individually to determine how they send transcripts. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions can accept official transcripts through U.S. mail or electronically when sent directly from your school through a secure delivery service.
Electronic transcripts can only be accepted as official if they are delivered through one of the following approved transcript service providers:
- SPEEDE (Addressed Institution ID: 10002 Institution ID: 730000000395400)
- Parchment Exchange (including Naviance and Docufide)
- National Student Clearinghouse
- Credential Solutions
- Scribbles Software
- AARTS and SMART transcripts (military service only, not required for admission)
NOTE: If the transcript delivery service asks you to provide an email address to send transcripts to, please use
When sending a transcript through one of the above service providers, their system may indicate that it has been delivered; however, please allow two to three weeks for UCF Undergraduate Admissions to process these documents. Instead of sending duplicates, please verify receipt of the transcript through your application status on your Future Knight Portal.
Hard copy transcripts may be sent to:
UCF Undergraduate Admissions
P.O. Box 160111
Orlando, FL 32816-0111