February 10, 2021
Thank you for your continued efforts to support student success and look out for those around you by Armoring Up and following COVID-19 protocols wherever you go.
I would like to address a few common questions coming into Human Resources.
Have UCF’s Armor Up protocols changed?
No. Everyone at all of UCF’s campuses is required to wear a face covering indoors and outdoors, with very limited exceptions for situations such as being alone in your personal office or residence or while actively eating or drinking. This also applies to individuals who have already received one or both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
For more details, see UCF’s COVID-19 campus policy. The policy also states that all individuals are required to maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet and encourages regular hand washing and sanitizing.
We must continue to take these steps, including completing the regular symptom screening using the COVID Self-Checker prior to arriving at any of UCF’s campuses. If you feel sick, even with only mild symptoms such as a headache, cough or low-grade fever, do not come to work or class. Stay away from others and monitor your symptoms, and contact your healthcare provider if they get worse.
What is the maximum staffing level for UCF offices?
Many of UCF’s employees are able to successfully complete their work remotely and may continue to do so some of the time or all of the time with supervisor approval.
For those offices with staff working in person — primarily those where employees directly support or provide services to students and faculty — UCF is allowing up to 50 percent daily staff occupancy, and physical distancing must be followed. Occupancy may be increased to up to 75 percent with approval from the appropriate vice president, provided that physical distancing can be maintained.
There is no requirement that campus offices have any specific percentage of staff working in person. Employees and supervisors are encouraged to have direct conversations about staffing plans for your college, division or department.
What should I do in the event of a positive test?
Any employee who tests positive for COVID-19 or is awaiting test results because they believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19 must absolutely not come to any of UCF’s campuses and must let their supervisor know.
Any employee who tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether they have been on any of UCF’s campuses, must call the COVID Line, 407-823-2509, to initiate the contact-tracing process, which helps to identify potential exposures and prevent additional spread. Staff from the COVID Line also will provide guidance on when it is safe for that employee to return to in-person work.
If a supervisor is alerted to possible workplace exposure to COVID-19, they should notify Environmental Health & Safety by calling 407-823-5223, and EH&S will provide guidance on further action if appropriate. Supervisors also are asked to remind employees of their requirement to report possible exposure or positive test results to the COVID Line and are encouraged to be flexible with staff who test positive and who may elect to take sick or annual leave because they cannot work due to having COVID-19.
We know much more than we did last year about how UCF’s policies, testing and tracing efforts, and other measures help protect the health of our campus community. UCF is committed to continuing these efforts, and we need all employees to comply with the policies and guidelines designed to keep ourselves and those around us healthy and safe.
Thank you for all you do for UCF. Please stay well, and Armor Up!
Maureen Binder
Associate Vice President
Chief Human Resources Officer