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November 3, 2020

Dear Graduate,

Congratulations on your UCF graduation earlier this year!

Although we cannot hold in-person commencement ceremonies right now, we want to give you an opportunity to celebrate your graduation on campus and in person with a small group of guests this fall.

We invite you to join us for Grad Walk — a walk across our commencement stage, which will be set up for six days in December in the Student Union, with up to four loved ones or friends in attendance. Your name will be read aloud, and your family and friends can take video or pictures of the moment.

Regalia is optional. Our official graduation photographer will be on hand, and graduation shirts and flowers, along with other commemorative items, will be available for purchase. We encourage you and your loved ones to visit campus landmarks for additional photo opportunities.

The Grad Walk will be available to spring and summer graduates from Saturday, Dec. 12, through Thursday, Dec. 17.

We will be following UCF’s COVID-19 protocols. That includes required advance registration for a 15-minute time window for you and your guests. Face coverings, physical distancing and completion of the university’s COVID-19 symptom checker will be required, and the venue will be sanitized hourly.

More information about the Grad Walk is posted on the commencement website, and registrations for time slots are now available.
For those graduates who are unable to participate between Dec. 12-17, another window will be available on Dec. 18. Please note that spaces are limited, so register at your earliest convenience.

Whether or not you participate in Grad Walk, you will have the option of celebrating your achievements at an in-person commencement ceremony. We do not know when we will be able to do that, and we will keep you updated on our plans.

If you have additional questions, please email

We wish you continued success, and we look forward to celebrating with you soon!