The Anthropology major results in broad holistic understanding of humans and the human condition, both past and present. Students study all subfields of Anthropology: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Linguistics. Students are encouraged to gain first-hand experience through research, internships, and fieldwork.
Degree Requirements
- UCF students who change degree programs and select this major must adopt the most current catalog.
- The Anthropological Methods & Practice track is not open to UCF Online students. UCF Online students should declare the General track.
- Departmental Residency Requirement: at least 30 semester hours of regularly scheduled 3000-4000 level courses must be taken from the UCF Anthropology Department.
- Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all major requirements. See Department Exit Requirements for more information.
- Anthropology majors must earn a "C" (2.0) or better in all Core Requirements and Restricted Electives. Students may make a request to the Undergraduate Coordinator to be granted the use of one C- toward the major requirements.
- Co-op or internship can be used in the major with prior approval.
- All prerequisites of courses taught within the College of Sciences will be enforced.
- Courses designated in General Education Program (GEP) and Common Program Prerequisites (CPP) are usually completed in the first 60 hours.
- Students will be required to take a standard exit exam during their graduating semester.
- Students should regularly consult with a department advisor.
See the Anthropology Undergraduate FAQ page for more information about the tracks, Plans of Study, high-impact experiences, and more:
Total Undergraduate Credit Hours Required: 120
- To fulfil the 120 hours required in this degree, select primarily from upper level courses after meeting with a departmental advisor.
Foreign Language Requirements
- Proficiency equivalent to two semesters of college instruction in a foreign language (taught by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures or Judaic Studies) or in American Sign Language (ASL). Standardized examinations for foreign languages may be used. ASL proficiency is met by successful completion of ASL 2140 and ASL 2150 or an appropriate score on the ASL proficiency exam. Contact the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders ( regarding the ASL proficiency examination. Consult with the NSCM advising staff to understand how choosing ASL might impact hours needed to graduate.
Departmental Exit Requirements
- For assessment purposes, students are required to take a standard exit exam and survey, for which there is no credit or grade, toward the end of their graduating semester.
- A student must achieve at least a "C" (2.0) GPA in all major requirements. All attempts of courses taken are included in the major GPA calculation. Additional courses that could meet requirements but are taken beyond the minimum required (e.g. additional restricted electives beyond 24 hours) and a "C" (2.0) or better is earned are also included in the GPA calculation.
University Minimum Exit Requirements
- A 2.0 UCF GPA
- 42 semester hours of upper division credit completed
- 60 semester hours earned after CLEP awarded
- 30 of the last 39 hours of course work must be completed in residency at UCF.
- A maximum of 45 hours of extension, correspondence, CLEP, Credit by Exam, and Armed Forces credits permitted.
- Complete the General Education Program, the Gordon Rule, and nine hours of Summer credit.
Honors Undergraduate Thesis
- Students interested in completing an Honors Undergraduate Thesis should contact their program advisor. More information about the Honors Undergraduate Thesis can be found at
Related Programs
- Social Sciences (B.S.)
- Sociology (B.A./B.S.)
- Africana Studies Minor
- American Studies Minor
- Anthropology of Global Health Certificate
- Asian Studies Minor
- Crime Scene Investigation Certificate
- Diplomacy Minor
- English, Linguistics Minor
- Environmental Studies Minor
- Gender Studies Certificate
- Geographic Information Systems Certificate
- Geosciences Minor
- Hospitality Management Minor
- International and Global Studies Minor
- History Minor
- Judaic Studies Minor
- Latin American Studies Minor
- Medical Sociology Minor
- Middle Eastern Studies Minor
- Nonprofit Management Minor
- Religion and Cultural Studies Minor
- Sociology Minor
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certificate
- Women's and Gender Studies Minor
Note - the following minors are not open to Anthropology majors
- American Indian Studies Minor
- Anthropological Archaeology Minor
- Anthropology Minor
- Anthropology in Multicultural Studies Minor
- Anthropology of Pop Culture Minor
- Biological Anthropology Minor
- Cultural Anthropology Minor
- Medical Anthropology Minor
Advising Notes
- Contact your college advisor in the College of Sciences Advising Services (COSAS) office (CSB 250) for more information about overall progress toward your degree, GEP and other university requirements, academic probation, special problems as well as general academic advising.
- Contact your Anthropology Department advisor for questions relating to the Anthropology program.
Transfer Notes
- Lower division courses do not substitute for upper division courses.
- Courses transferred from private and out-of-state schools must be evaluated for equivalency credit. The student must provide all supporting information.
- Acceptable Substitutes for Transfer Courses
- Although any two ANT courses satisfy the CPP, ANT 2511 is required in the core and must be taken.
- Field school courses from other academic institutions may be accepted for a maximum of 3 credits for Restricted Elective in the General Track or for the High-Impact Learning Experience in the Anthropological Methods and Practice Track. Consult with your department advisor.
Program Academic Learning Compacts
- Program Academic Learning Compacts (student learning outcomes) for undergraduate programs are located at: