Big Data Analytics, Statistics track, will train researchers with a strong statistics background to analyze massive, structured or unstructured data to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations and other useful information that can be used to make better decisions.
The track will provide a strong foundation in statistical theory and the major methodologies associated with Big Data Analytics such as predictive analytics, data mining, text analytics and statistical analysis with an interdisciplinary component that combines the strength of statistics and computer science. It will focus on statistical theory in addition to statistical computing, statistical data mining and their application to business, social, and health problems complemented with ongoing industrial collaborations.
The Ph.D. in Big Data Analytics, Statistics track, requires 72 hours beyond an earned Bachelor's degree. Required coursework includes 30 credit hours of required courses, 21 credit hours of restricted elective coursework, and 21 credit hours of dissertation research.
All Ph.D. students must have an approved Plan of Study (POS) developed by the student and advisor that lists the specific courses to be taken as part of the degree. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their POS, as well as a "B" (3.0) in all courses completed toward the degree and since admission to the program.
Statistical Colloquium Requirement - The department has a course, STA 7920 (Statistical Colloquium). This is a 0-credit course and should not impact your GPA. However, you will need at least 5 semesters of STA 7920 before you can graduate. With this course, you must attend the departmental colloquial.
Total Credit Hours Required: 72 Credit Hours Minimum beyond the Bachelor's Degree
Track Prerequisites
Students must have the following background and courses completed before applying to the Big Data Analytics PhD program. These courses are: MAC 2311C: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I, MAC 2312: Calculus with Analytic Geometry II, MAC 2313: Calculus with Analytic Geometry III, MAS 3105: Matrix and Linear Algebra or MAS 3106: Linear Algebra These pre-required courses are basic undergraduate courses from the Math department.
Degree Requirements
Required Courses
30 Total Credits
- Complete all of the following
- Take the following:
- STA6106 - Statistical Computing I (3)
- STA6107 - Statistical Computing II (3)
- STA6236 - Regression Analysis (3)
- STA6246 - Linear Models (3)
- STA6326 - Theoretical Statistics I (3)
- STA6327 - Theoretical Statistics II (3)
- STA6346 - Advanced Statistical Inference I (3)
- STA6366 - Statistical Methodology for Data Science I (3)
- STA7920 - Statistical Colloquium
- STA6238 - Logistic Regression (3)
- Complete at least 1 of the following:
- STA7722 - Statistical Learning Theory (3)
- STA7734 - Statistical Asymptotic Theory in Big Data (3)
Elective Courses
21 Total Credits
- Complete all of the following
- Take at least 7 of the following:
- STA7348 - Bayesian Modeling and Computation (3)
- STA6662 - Statistical Methods for Industrial Practice (3)
- STA6226 - Sampling Theory and Applications (3)
- STA6237 - Nonlinear Regression (3)
- MAP6465 - Wavelets and Their Applications (3)
- STA5703 - Data Mining Methodology I (3)
- STA6704 - Data Mining Methodology II (3)
- STA6507 - Nonparametric Statistics (3)
- STA7239 - Dimension Reduction in Regression (3)
- STA7348 - Bayesian Modeling and Computation (3)
- STA5104 - Advanced Computer Processing of Statistical Data (3)
- STA6709 - Spatial Statistics (3)
- STA6714 - Data Preparation (3)
- MAA6238 - Measure and Probability I (3)
- STA6705 - Data Mining Methodology III (3)
- STA6347 - Advanced Statistical Inference II (3)
- MAS5145 - Advanced Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory (3)
- MAP6207 - Optimization Theory (3)
- MAA7239 - Asymptotic Methods in Mathematical Statistics (3)
- STA5176 - Introduction to Biostatistics (3)
- STA5205 - Experimental Design (3)
- STA5825 - Stochastic Processes and Applied Probability Theory (3)
- STA6223 - Conventional Survey Methods (3)
- STA6224 - Bayesian Survey Methods (3)
- STA6329 - Statistical Applications of Matrix Algebra (3)
- STA6367 - Statistical Methodology for Data Science II (3)
- STA6707 - Multivariate Statistical Methods (3)
- STA6857 - Applied Time Series Analysis (3)
- STA7719 - Survival Analysis (3)
- MAP6195 - Mathematical Foundations for Massive Data Modeling and Analysis (3)
- MAP6197 - Mathematical Introduction to Deep Learning (3)
- CNT5805 - Network Science (3)
- COP5711 - Parallel and Distributed Database Systems (3)
- Other courses may be included in a Plan of Study with departmental approval. Other electives can be used at the discretion of the student advisor and/or Graduate Coordinator.
21 Total Credits
- Earn at least 21 credits from the following types of courses: STA 7980 - Dissertation Research The student must select a dissertation adviser by the end of the first year. In consultation with the dissertation adviser, the student should form a dissertation advisory committee. The dissertation adviser will be the chair of the student's dissertation advisory committee. In consultation with the dissertation advisor and with the approval of the chair of the department, each student must secure qualified members of their dissertation committee. This committee will consist of at least four faculty members chosen by the candidate, three of whom must be from the department and one from outside the department or UCF. Graduate faculty members must form the majority of any given committee. A dissertation committee must be formed prior to take the candidacy exam and enrollment in dissertation hours. The dissertation serves as the culmination of the coursework that comprises this degree. It must make a significant original theoretical, intellectual, practical, creative or research contribution to the student's area within the discipline. The dissertation can be either research‐ or project‐based depending on the area of study, committee, and with the approval of the dissertation advisor. The dissertation will be completed through a minimum of 21 hours of dissertation research credit.
0 Total Credits
- After passing candidacy, students will enroll into dissertation hours (STA7980) with their dissertation advisor. The dissertation can be either research‐ or project‐based depending on the area of study, committee, and with the approval of the dissertation advisor.
Qualifying Examination
0 Total Credits
- The qualifying examination is a written examination that will be administered by the doctoral exam committee at the start of the fall term (end of the summer) and at the start of the spring term. The courses required to prepare for the examination are , STA 6326, STA 6327, STA 6236, STA 6246, STA 6366, and STA 6346 . Students must obtain permission from the Graduate Program Coordinator to take the examination. Students normally take this exam just before the start of their second year and are expected to have completed the exam by the start of their third year. To be eligible to take the Ph.D. qualifying examination, the student must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4.0) in all the coursework for the Ph.D. The exam may be taken twice. If a student does not pass the qualifying exam after the second try, he/she will be dismissed from the program. To pass the exam, students need to pass all 3 parts. Students must take all 3 parts of the qualifying exam in their first attempt and must have completed all courses covered by the exam. It is strongly recommended that the student select a dissertation adviser by the completion of 18 credit hours of course work, and it is strongly recommended that the student works with the dissertation adviser to form a dissertation committee within two semesters of passing the Qualifying Examination.
Candidacy Examination
0 Total Credits
- The candidacy exam is administered by the student's dissertation advisory committee and will be tailored to the student's individual program to propose either a research‐ or project‐based dissertation. The candidacy exam involves a dissertation proposal presented in an open forum, followed by an oral defense conducted by the student's advisory committee. This committee will give a Pass/No Pass grade. In addition to the dissertation proposal, the advisory committee may incorporate other requirements for the exam. The student can attempt candidacy any time after passing the qualifying examination, after the student has begun dissertation research (STA7919, if necessary), but prior to the end of the second year following the qualifying examination. The candidacy examination can be taken no more than two times. If a student does not pass the candidacy exam after the second try, he/she will be removed from the program. After passing the candidacy examination and meeting other requirements, the student can register for Doctoral Dissertation (STA7980). A minimum of 21 Doctoral Dissertation credit hours are required. The Candidacy Examination can be attempted after passing the qualifying examination. The Candidacy Examination must be completed within one years after passing the qualifying examination. A student must successfully pass the Candidacy Examination within at most two attempts.
Admission to Candidacy
0 Total Credits
- The following are required to be admitted to candidacy and enroll in dissertation hours. Completion of all coursework, except for dissertation hours Successful completion of the qualifying examination Successful completion of the candidacy examination including a written proposal and oral defense The dissertation advisory committee is formed, consisting of approved graduate faculty and graduate faculty scholars Submittal of an approved program of study
Dissertation Defense
0 Total Credits
- Upon completion of a student's research, the student's committee schedules an oral defense of the dissertation. Most students complete the program within five years after obtaining their bachelor's degree. Students are expected to complete the dissertation in no more than seven years from the date of admission to the program. The dissertation defense examination can be taken no more than two times. If a student does not pass the dissertation defense exam after the second try, he/she will be removed from the program.
Masters Along the Way
0 Total Credits
- PhD Students can obtain their Master's degree in Statistics & Data Science - Statistics Track along the way to their PhD degree in big Data Analytics – Statistics track. To satisfy the requirements for the MS degree, the student must complete the following requirements: 1. Complete the 21 hours of required courses for the MS degree. 2. Complete 15 credit hours from the elective list for the MS degree except STA 5505 and STA 5738. The student has the option of choosing between thesis option or non-thesis option.
Independent Learning
0 Total Credits
- As with all graduate programs, independent learning is an important component of the Big Data Analytics – Statistics track doctoral program. Students will demonstrate independent learning through research seminars and projects and the dissertation.
Grand Total Credits: 72
Application Requirements
Financial Information
Graduate students may receive financial assistance through fellowships, assistantships, tuition support, or loans. For more information, see the College of Graduate Studies Funding website, which describes the types of financial assistance available at UCF and provides general guidance in planning your graduate finances. The Financial Information section of the Graduate Catalog is another key resource.
Fellowship Information
Fellowships are awarded based on academic merit to highly qualified students. They are paid to students through the Office of Student Financial Assistance, based on instructions provided by the College of Graduate Studies. Fellowships are given to support a student's graduate study and do not have a work obligation. For more information, see UCF Graduate Fellowships, which includes descriptions of university fellowships and what you should do to be considered for a fellowship.
All Ph.D. students must have an approved Plan of Study (POS) developed by the student and advisor that lists the specific courses to be taken as part of the degree. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their POS, as well as a "B" (3.0) in all courses completed toward the degree and since admission to the program.