Program at a Glance
- Program
- Doctorate
- College(s)
- College of Engineering and Computer Science
- Department(s)
- Industrial Engr & Mgmt Sys

Innovate Your Career
Drive the decisions regarding the utilization of people, materials, machines, and automation with a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from UCF. The program focuses on the design, management, logistics, and improvement of systems, products, and processes in manufacturing, healthcare, entertainment, information technology, and more.
Industrial Engineering at UCF
At the graduate level, UCF offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering through the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems. Areas of study include human systems engineering and ergonomics; management systems and engineering management; operations research; quality systems engineering; simulation modeling and analysis; and interactive simulation and training systems. The program offers intensive, individually tailored research programs designed to produce highly skilled researchers with both broad knowledge of industrial engineering and in-depth knowledge of specialty fields for careers in academia, industry, and government.
Research Facilities
As a graduate student in industrial engineering, you can find work in our faculty-led laboratories, including the Computational Neuroergonomics Laboratory, the UCF Quality Institute, and the Complex Adaptive Systems Laboratory.
Where Do Graduates Work?
UCF’s industrial engineering doctorate program is designed to produce highly skilled researchers with both broad knowledge of industrial engineering and in-depth knowledge of specialty fields for careers in academia, industry, and government. With a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from UCF, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills necessary to lead a successful career in academia, as well as at top public and private organizations, including Lockheed Martin, L3Harris, Siemens, Mitsubishi, Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, IBM, and NASA.
University of Central Florida Colleges
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The Industrial Engineering PhD program prepares students for extensive research and careers in academia, industry and government while providing a broad knowledge of industrial engineering.
The Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering is intended for a student with a bachelor's or master's degree in Industrial Engineering or a closely related discipline.
The PhD program is designed to produce highly skilled researchers with both broad knowledge of industrial engineering and in-depth knowledge of specialty fields for careers in academia, industry, and government. The program allows a candidate to thoroughly study some aspect of industrial engineering through faculty expertise in research areas such as management systems, systems simulation and modeling, operations research, quality systems engineering, interactive simulation and training systems, systems engineering, and human systems engineering, human-computer interaction, and ergonomics.
The Industrial Engineering program is structured to support the emergence of Central Florida as a national center of high technology as well as supporting the diverse service industries in the region and throughout the nation.
In the Industrial Engineering PhD program, students may be able to individually craft their programs of study and select their courses to focus in one or more of the following research areas for their dissertations:
Human Systems Engineering/Ergonomics:
As technology has become more sophisticated, the need to design for the human user has become more difficult, yet even more important. Human engineering and ergonomics assist in ensuring that as technology advances, the abilities, limitations, and needs of humans are considered in the system design. This not only supports the needs of the user, it also optimizes the efficiency and usability of the system designed. Traditionally, ergonomics has been associated with biomechanical issues and work measurement and performance issues in physical system design, as well as occupational and industrial safety. The broader focus of human engineering encompasses those issues as well as incorporating the reaction and effectiveness of human interaction with systems, both physical systems and virtual systems such as computer-based models.
Research in the Human Systems Engineering and Ergonomics area provides students with the necessary knowledge in human engineering and ergonomics to effectively design tasks, industrial systems, and work environments that maximize human performance, safety, and overall productivity.
Management Systems/Engineering management:
The Management Systems/Engineering Management research focuses on providing the knowledge for improving organizational systems. Engineering Management focuses on effective decision-making and successful project delivery in engineering and technological organizations. With technological advancements comes a new level of organizational complexity. As a result, new knowledge is needed to help the technical organization understand how to improve. The Management Systems/Engineering Management studies and research in the Industrial Engineering program are intended for individuals of all engineering disciplines. Research and coursework focus on a systems view of engineering problems related to the management of complex industrial, military, government, and social systems.
Operations Research:
The Operations Research courses in the Industrial Engineering PhD program uses mathematics and computer-based systems to model operational processes and decisions in order to develop and evaluate alternatives that will lead to gains in efficiency and effectiveness. Drawing on probability, statistics, simulation, optimization, and stochastic processes, Operations Research provides many of the analytic tools used by industrial engineers as well as by other analysts to improve processes, decision-making, and management by individuals and organizations. Research in this area is ideal for students who have an undergraduate degree in engineering, mathematics, or science. The knowledge in these courses develop a strong modeling and analytical capability to improve processes and decision-making.
Quality Systems Engineering:
The Quality Systems Engineering research in the Industrial Engineering PhD program focuses on providing the knowledge for improving product and process quality in manufacturing and service industries. Quality Systems Engineering provides both the quantitative tools for measuring quality and the managerial focus and organizational insight required to implement effective continuous improvement programs and incorporate the voice of the customer. The Quality Systems Engineering courses prepare students with the necessary knowledge to plan, control, and improve the product assurance function in government, military, service, or manufacturing organizations.
Simulation Modeling and Analysis:
The Simulation Modeling and Analysis research and studies in the Industrial Engineering PhD program focus on providing a fundamental understanding of the functional and technical design requirements for simulation in manufacturing and service industries. Research in this area is based on a systems modeling paradigm and provides coding and development capability in the context of a broader systems framework. Significant exposure to design and analysis aspects is a core element of the track. The Simulation Modeling and Analysis research and coursework prepare individuals for careers in simulation, focusing particularly on using simulation as an analysis and design tool for the manufacturing and service industries.
Systems Engineering:
Intelligence is being infused into everyday systems, processes and infrastructure that enable physical goods to be developed, manufactured, bought and sold. These same systems also facilitate the movement and delivery of global products and services that support worldwide markets such as finance, energy resources, and healthcare systems.
With these technological advancements, comes a new level of complexity as organizations struggle to integrate systems, processes and data feeds. As a result, the demand for systems engineering and related skills is expected to grow significantly.
Systems engineers design and implement computer systems, software, and networks, including defining complex system requirements, and determining system specifications, processes and working parameters.
The Systems Engineering studies and research in the Industrial Engineering PhD program are intended for individuals of all engineering disciplines. Research and coursework focus on a systems view of engineering problems related to the management of complex industrial, military, government, and social systems.
Interactive Simulation and Training Systems:
The Interactive Simulation and Training Systems research within the Industrial Engineering PhD program focuses on providing a fundamental understanding of significant topics relative to simulation systems and the requirements, design, development, and use of such systems for knowledge transfer in the technical environment. Courses in this area address the evolving and multiple discipline application of interactive simulation by providing a wealth of electives to support development of individual student interests and talents. In conjunction with UCF's Institute for Simulation and Training, industrial organizations involved in simulation in the Central Florida region, military organizations, and other governmental organizations, ISTS research in the PhD program provides exposure to both military and commercial interactive simulation and training systems.
The emphasis is on the application and development of interactive simulation and training systems to meet various requirements including, but not limited to: simulators, skill trainers, organizational learning systems, computer and web-based interactive simulation systems and other novel interactive simulation efforts. Courses in the interactive simulation and training systems area prepare individuals for careers in simulation, focusing particularly on the interactive simulation and training systems industries.
The Industrial Engineering PhD program requires a minimum of 72 credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree. If a student holds a master's degree, the student must complete at least 27 credit hours of required coursework, in addition to 15 credit hours of dissertation.
Of the total coursework taken, 27 hours must be formal coursework and 15 credit hours must consist of dissertation research (EIN 7980). Formal coursework does not include Independent Study (XXX 6908), Doctoral Thesis (XXX 6971), Doctoral Research (XXX 7919), or Dissertation (XXX 7980). All remaining hours are determined with a faculty adviser and approved by the department. Details about this program are located in the Industrial Engineering PhD Handbook linked in the Handbook section above.
Total Credit Hours Required: 72 Credit Hours Minimum beyond the Bachelor's Degree
Program Prerequisites
Bachelor's and Master's degree in Industrial Engineering or a closely related discipline.
Degree Requirements
Required Courses
6 Total Credits- Complete the following:
- ESI6891 - IEMS Research Methods (3)
- ESI6247 - Experimental Design and Taguchi Methods (3)
Elective Courses
51 Total Credits- Complete all of the following
- - A maximum of 30 semester credit hours from an earned master's degree may be applied toward these requirements. Waived credits are evaluated on a course-by-course basis. - A maximum of 12 hours of Independent Study and/or Doctoral research is allowed in the Ph.D. program of study. Students, with the approval of their advisers and/or the graduate program director, may select from the following groups of courses to satisfy the needs of their research goals or career objectives. To assist students in achieving their goals and objectives, courses are grouped below to suggest focus areas, only as guides for advising and course selection. The listing of these courses does not guarantee that they will be offered by the department in a particular year or semester. In addition to the courses listed below, students may be allowed to take courses from other disciplines, with the approval of the graduate program director and PhD advisor, as an elective in their graduate plan of study. Other Engineering Programs Computer Science Mathematics and Statistics Business Administration/Management
- Earn at least 51 credits from the following:
- EIN5248 - Ergonomics (3)
- EIN5251 - Usability Engineering (3)
- EIN6258 - Human Computer Interaction (3)
- EIN6271 - Human Reliability (3)
- ESI6225 - Quality Design and Control (3)
- ESI6224 - Quality Management (3)
- EIN6336 - Production and Inventory Control (3)
- EIN6336 - Production and Inventory Control (3)
- ESI5227 - Total Quality Improvement (3)
- EIN6182 - Engineering Management (3)
- EIN5117 - Management Information Systems I (3)
- EIN6370 - Innovation in Engineering Design (3)
- EIN6339 - Operations Engineering (3)
- EIN5108 - The Environment of Technical Organizations (3)
- ESI6336 - Queueing Systems (3)
- ESI5306 - Operations Research (3)
- ESI6418 - Linear Programming and Extensions (3)
- ESI6532 - Object-Oriented Simulation (3)
- ESI5531 - Discrete Systems Simulation (3)
- EIN5255C - Interactive Simulation (3)
- EIN6528 - Simulation Based Life Cycle Engineering (3)
- EIN6936 - Seminar in Advanced Industrial Engineering (3)
- ESI6217 - Statistical Aspects of Digital Simulation (3)
- ESI6358 - Decision Analysis (3)
- ESI5359 - Risk Assessment and Management (3)
- EIN6215 - System Safety Engineering and Management (3)
- ESI5236 - Reliability Engineering (3)
- EIN5346 - Engineering Logistics (3)
15 Total Credits- Earn at least 15 credits from the following types of courses: EIN 7980 - Dissertation
0 Total Credits- At Qualifying Examination (QE) time students should know their intended direction of research but they do not necessarily know their specific topic/problem. The QE's objective is to determine whether the student's knowledge allows for a thorough understanding of methods and techniques discussed in the literature in his/her area(s) of interest. The IEMS PhD Qualifying Examination is a take-home exam designed to test the student's knowledge of fundamentals within the discipline and to assess the student's ability to conduct independent research and to think analytically, creatively, and independently. Exam questions address the student's global research awareness as well as his/her analytical thinking, research potential, and communication skills. The student must be able to understand the field's literature, as well as to summarize and discuss research findings. It is strongly recommended that students take ESI 6891 IEMS Research Methods prior to taking the Qualifying Examination. While thinking about taking the Qualifying Examination, students are strongly encouraged to evaluate their options for research and make informed decisions about their area of research interests. It is recommended that students seek advice from faculty members whose research interests match their own research areas in order for the students to properly select their electives and develop the appropriate plan of study. In addition to the Qualifying Examination, the student must pass a Candidacy Examination and a Dissertation Defense Examination. Details about these examinations and other requirements are located in the Industrial Engineering PhD Handbook. The Candidacy Examination may be taken any time after successful completion of the Qualifying Examination, but not in the same semester. The objective of the Candidacy Examination is to determine if the student has the breadth and depth of knowledge required to conduct independent research in the proposed area. The Candidacy Examination includes an oral presentation of a detailed dissertation proposal, which becomes the oral candidacy document, and the written component of the Candidacy Examination is satisfied by the proposal document, which becomes the required candidacy document. The Dissertation Defense Examination is an oral examination taken in defense of the written dissertation. The College of Engineering and Computer Science requires that all dissertation defense announcements are approved by the student's adviser and posted on the college's website and on the Events Calendar of the College of Graduate Studies website at least two weeks before the defense date.
Dissertation Committee Requirement
0 Total Credits- The doctoral committee must consist of a minimum of four members: at least three must be graduate faculty members from within the student's department, and one must be at large, from graduate faculty scholars outside the Industrial Engineering faculty. The committee chair must be a member of the graduate faculty who is approved to direct dissertations. Faculty members with joint appointments in IEMS may serve as department-faculty committee members. Adjunct faculty and off-campus experts who are graduate faculty scholars may serve as the outside-the-department person on the committee, as well as serve as co-chairs of the committee with the approval of the department Chair. The College of Graduate Studies reserves the right to review appointments to advisory committees, place a representative on any advisory committee, or appoint a co-adviser. Joint faculty members may serve as committee chairs. Off-campus experts and adjunct faculty who are graduate faculty scholars may not serve as committee chairs, but may serve as co-chairs. All committee members vote on acceptance or rejection of the dissertation proposal and the final dissertation. The dissertation proposal or final dissertation must be approved by the advisory committee with no more than one dissenting vote.
Admission to Candidacy
0 Total Credits- The following are required to be admitted to candidacy and enroll in dissertation hours. Evidence of successful completion of these requirements must be received by the College of Graduate Studies prior to the start of classes for the semester in which a student wishes to enroll in dissertation hours. - Completion or near completion of course work, except for dissertation hours. - Successful completion of the candidacy examination, including successful defense of the written dissertation proposal. - The dissertation advisory committee is formed, consisting of approved graduate faculty and graduate faculty scholars. - Submittal of an approved program of study. - Completion of academic integrity trainings.
Grand Total Credits: 72
Application Requirements
Application Deadlines
Financial Information
Graduate students may receive financial assistance through fellowships, assistantships, tuition support, or loans. For more information, see the College of Graduate Studies Funding website, which describes the types of financial assistance available at UCF and provides general guidance in planning your graduate finances. The Financial Information section of the Graduate Catalog is another key resource.
Fellowship Information
Fellowships are awarded based on academic merit to highly qualified students. They are paid to students through the Office of Student Financial Assistance, based on instructions provided by the College of Graduate Studies. Fellowships are given to support a student's graduate study and do not have a work obligation. For more information, see UCF Graduate Fellowships, which includes descriptions of university fellowships and what you should do to be considered for a fellowship.
As a pre-doctoral student at the beginning of the PhD program, a preliminary plan of study must be developed with the graduate program director and meet with departmental approval. At this time transfer credit will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis. The student's plan of study itemizing the study plan must be approved prior to the end of the first semester of studies by the Graduate Director of the IEMS Department.
After completion of the Qualifying Examination and admission as a doctoral student, the official plan of study is developed that must meet with departmental approval. The student's dissertation committee approves the final plan of study after the Candidacy Examination is passed. These steps are normally completed within the first year of study beyond the master's degree. The degree must be completed within seven years from the date of admission as a pre-doctoral student and within four years of passing the Candidacy Examination.
The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems monitors student progress and may dismiss a student if performance standards or academic progress are not maintained. Satisfactory academic performance in a program includes, but is not limited to, maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA in all graduate work taken as part of (or transferred into) the plan of study. Satisfactory performance also involves maintaining the standards of academic progress and professional integrity expected in our discipline. Failure to maintain these standards may result in dismissal from the program.
Equipment FeeStudents in the Industrial Engineering PhD program pay a $58 equipment fee each semester that they are enrolled. For part-time students, the equipment fee is $29 per semester.
Independent LearningThe Independent Learning requirement is met by successful completion of the student's candidacy and dissertation defense examinations.