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Program at a Glance

Graduate Certificate
College of Community Innovation and Education
Teacher Education, Schl of
U.S. News & World Report Best Grad Schools Education Badge

The Graduate Certificate in Reading Education provides teachers with research-based strategies for teaching reading.

For the Reading Education certificate, students complete 3 required courses (9 credit hours total). Although there are no program course prerequisites, candidates who have had no previous children's or adolescent literature courses are strongly encouraged to take one course (LAE 5415 - Children’s Literature in Elementary Education or LAE 5465 - Literature for Adolescents) prior to enrolling in the certificate program or at least prior to enrolling in RED 5948 - Reading Practicum.

Total Credit Hours Required: 9 Credit Hours Minimum beyond the Bachelor's Degree

The Graduate Certificate in Reading Education meets the Florida Department of Education Reading Endorsement requirements and prepares classroom teachers with an emphasis on evidence-based strategies for assessment and instruction of K-12 reading. This program prepares students for state-regulated professional licensure or certification. For more information on how this program may prepare you in that regard, please view the licensure disclosure for the Reading Education Graduate Certificate program.

Information about the UCF Online Reading Masters Program which includes 2 of the 3 courses for the revised certificate.

Application Deadlines

December 1
April 1
July 1

Application deadlines subject to change, see the Graduate Studies website for up-to-date deadlines.

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