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Program at a Glance

Graduate Certificate
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical & Computer Engr
U.S. News & World Report Best Grad Schools Engineering Badge

The Graduate Certificate in "Sustainable and Resilient Energy Systems" provides students with an interdisciplinary curriculum focused on technologies and policies for future smart energy systems that are sustainable, resilient, efficient, and market-oriented. The program prepares students for holistic design and operation challenges of emerging energy systems with distributed renewable energy sources, advanced information, communication, control and optimization technologies, along with supporting economic and management policies. This graduate certificate is beneficial to individuals (professionals, engineers and researchers) who have an interest in deployment and operation of future smart energy systems, in particular the challenges from the technology and policy perspectives.

The Sustainable and Resilient Energy Systems certificate partners with several UCF master's programs. If students complete the certificate and are accepted into a partnering program, all certificate coursework can be used toward that master's degree. Here is a list of our partnering UCF master's programs:

Computer Engineering MSCpE

The Graduate Certificate in Sustainable and Resilient Energy Systems requires a total of 12 credit hours (4 courses). Nine credit hours are from the three required courses given below. The remaining three credit hours can be selected from the list of elective courses. Electives outside of the provided list require approval from the ECE graduate coordinator.

Total Credit Hours Required: 12 Credit Hours Minimum beyond the Bachelor's Degree

Application Deadlines

December 1
July 1

Application deadlines subject to change, see the Graduate Studies website for up-to-date deadlines.

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University of Central Florida Colleges