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Program at a Glance

College of Community Innovation and Education
Teacher Education, Schl of
U.S. News & World Report Best Grad Schools Education Badge

The Teacher Education MAT, Middle School Science Education program is a state-approved initial teacher preparation program for students seeking certification to teach science in grades 5-9, including students previously certified to teach in another field.

The Master of Arts in Teaching is a state-approved initial teacher preparation program that is subject to any change in the Florida Administrative Code (State Board of Education Rule 6A-5.066). Students enrolled in this program should remain in close contact with their adviser to keep informed of any program changes implemented to comply with new state requirements.

The Teacher Education MAT, Middle School Science Education is a state-approved initial teacher preparation program for students seeking certification to teach science in grades 5-9, including students previously certified to teach in another field.

Students in the Mathematics Education and Science Education tracks may be eligible for Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) grant. Please see here for more information.

The Teacher Education MAT, Middle School Science Education program requires a minimum of 39 credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree. The program is a secondary (grades 5-9) program for noneducation majors at the undergraduate level or teachers previously certified in another field.

The MAT requires an online portfolio of both reflective practice/analysis of professional development and demonstration of attainment of the beginning level of performance for all Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs). Multiple artifacts and reflective analysis are required for each of the accomplished practices. All portfolio entries are critical components of learning since they are the primary means of accessing the professional development of students as reflective practitioners. In addition, an internship is required.

All initial teacher preparation program candidates are required to purchase a subscription to Student Learning and Licensure. Candidates are required to upload artifacts in most courses, including the final internship sequence. See, here.

Total Credit Hours Required: 39 Credit Hours Minimum beyond the Bachelor's Degree

Application Deadlines

April 1
July 1
November 1
January 15

Application deadlines subject to change, see the Graduate Studies website for up-to-date deadlines.

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