The Bachelor of Arts degree in Writing and Rhetoric provides students with in-depth training in the interrelated fields of writing, rhetoric, and literacy studies, preparing them for a range of writing-focused careers that involve the analysis, creation, editing, adaptation, and/or coordination of written, digital, and multimedia texts.
The Writing and Rhetoric B.A degree may be completed fully online, although not all elective options or program prerequisites may be offered online. Newly admitted students choosing to complete this program exclusively via UCF online classes may enroll with a reduction in campus-based fees.
Admission Requirements
- Students transferring with an AA or AS degree or who have completed their general education courses in composition elsewhere are strongly recommended to enroll in ENC 3314 - Writing and Rhetoric Foundations in their first semester at UCF.
Degree Requirements
- Students who change degree programs and select this major must adopt the most current catalog.
- Students must earn at least a "C" (2.0) in each required course.
- Students must earn a minimum 2.5 GPA in coursework used to satisfy the major.
- No more than 6 hours of overlap allowed between programs when multiple Writing and Rhetoric programs are declared.
- Students should consult with a CAHSA Coach each semester.
- Departmental Residency Requirement consists of at least 18 semester hours of regularly scheduled 3000-4000 level courses taken from the UCF Writing and Rhetoric Department.
- Courses designated in General Education Program and Common Program Prerequisites are usually completed in the first 60 hours.
Online Writing and Rhetoric (B.A.)
Degree Requirements
Required Courses
18 Total Credits
- Complete all of the following
Basic Core- Complete all of the following
- Basic core courses should be taken as early as possible in the program of study. ENG 3836 is a pre-requisite for some practicum courses.
- Complete the following:
- ENC3314 - Writing and Rhetoric Foundations (3)
- ENC3502 - Research Methods in Writing and Literacy Studies (3)
- ENG3836 - Careers and Professional Practices in Writing and Rhetoric (3)
Advanced Core- Complete all of the following
- Advanced core classes should be selected in alignment with intended specialization.
- Complete at least 1 of the following:
- ENC3250 - Professional Writing (3)
- ENC3331 - Rhetoric and Civic Engagement (3)
- ENC3373 - Cultural Rhetorics (3)
- ENC3417 - Literacy and Technology (3)
Practicum- Complete all of the following
- Practicum course should be selected in consultation with a program coordinator.
- Complete at least 1 of the following:
- ENC3473 - Writing in Disciplinary Cultures (99)
- ENC4275 - Theory and Practice of Tutoring Writing (3)
- ENC4943 - Practicum in Editing & Publishing (3)
- ENC4944 - Writing Internship (3)
Capstone- Complete all of the following
- Capstone course should be taken in the final Fall or Spring of the program of study.
- Complete the following:
- ENC4379 - Writing and Rhetoric Capstone (3)
Elective Courses
18 Total Credits
Area of Specialization
12 Total Credits
- Complete 1 of the following
- Select 12 credit hours from one of the specializations below or create a custom specialization from courses across the areas of specialization
Writing, Rhetoric, and Advocacy- Complete all of the following
- Required advanced core course for this specialization: ENC3331 - Rhetoric and Civic Engagement (3)
- Complete at least 4 of the following:
- ENC3311 - Essay as Cultural Commentary (3)
- ENC3315 - Argumentative Writing (3)
- ENC3351 - Writing for Publication (3)
- ENC4353 - Writing for Social Change (3)
- ENC4354 - Writing with Communities and Nonprofits (3)
- ENC4378 - Writing in Global and Transnational Contexts (3)
Cultural Rhetorics and Writing Traditions- Complete all of the following
- Required advanced core course for this specialization: ENC3373 - Cultural Rhetorics (3)
- Complete at least 4 of the following:
- ENC3330 - Rhetorical Traditions (3)
- ENC3521 - Writing Across Difference (3)
- ENC3375 - Rhetoric in Popular Culture (3)
- ENC4374 - Gendered Rhetorics (3)
- ENC4378 - Writing in Global and Transnational Contexts (3)
- ENC4434 - Visual and Material Rhetorics (3)
Professional Writing and Rhetoric- Complete all of the following
- Required advanced core course for this specialization: ENC3250 - Professional Writing (3)
- Complete at least 4 of the following:
- ENC3351 - Writing for Publication (3)
- ENC3453 - Writing About Health and Medicine (3)
- ENG3833 - Marketing Your Writing (3)
- ENC4212 - Professional Editing (3)
- ENC4416 - Writing in Digital Environments (3)
- LIN3673 - Rhetorical Grammar (3)
Technologies in Writing and Rhetoric- Complete all of the following
- Required advanced core course for this specialization: ENC3417 - Literacy and Technology (3)
- Complete at least 4 of the following:
- ENC3433 - Multimedia Writing and Composition (3)
- ENC3455 - Writing about Science and Technology (3)
- ENC4378 - Writing in Global and Transnational Contexts (3)
- ENC4416 - Writing in Digital Environments (3)
- ENC4434 - Visual and Material Rhetorics (3)
Advised Electives
6 Total Credits
- Earn at least 6 credits from the following types of courses: any 3000 or 4000 level courses offered by the Department of Writing and Rhetoric not otherwise used to satisfy major requirements
Grand Total Credits: 36
Total Undergraduate Credit Hours Required: 120
Restricted Electives
Capstone Requirements
Foreign Language Requirements
- Met by graduation requirement.
- Proficiency equivalent to one year of college instruction in a foreign language taught by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures or the Department of History (Hebrew). Standardized examinations for foreign languages may be used to meet the requirement. Majors who are contemplating graduate school should complete two years of a foreign language.
Additional Requirements
- Signature Experience requirement is met by successful completion of the following course(s): ENC 4379 - Writing and Rhetoric Capstone Credit Hours: 3
Required Minors or Area of Concentration
Departmental Exit Requirements
- Students must complete an electronic writing portfolio (e-portfolio) that meets program requirements. This e-portfolio will be developed throughout the course of the students' work in the major. Student's e-Portfolio will be approved in ENC 4379 for program-level graduation requirements.
- Achieve a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 in coursework used towards the major.
University Minimum Exit Requirements
- A 2.0 UCF GPA
- 42 semester hours of upper division credit completed
- 60 semester hours earned after CLEP awarded
- 30 of the last 39 hours of course work must be completed in residency at UCF.
- A maximum of 45 hours of extension, correspondence, CLEP, Credit by Exam, and Armed Forces credits permitted.
- Complete the General Education Program, the Gordon Rule, and nine hours of Summer credit.
Additional Information
Honors In Major
- Application and admission through the Writing and Rhetoric Degree Programs Office and the Burnett Honors College.
- Fulfill University requirements for Honors in the Major.
- Successful completion and oral defense of Honors thesis.
Related Programs
Related Certificates
Related Minors
Advising Notes
Transfer Notes
- Transfer courses in which students earned lower than a "C" (2.0) will not be accepted.
- Lower-level courses taken at community or state colleges do not substitute for upper-level courses.
- Courses transferred from private and out-of-state schools must be evaluated for equivalency credit. Student must provide all supporting information.
Acceptable Substitutes for Transfer Courses
Plan of Study
Freshman Year - Fall (15 Credit Hours)
- ENC 1101 - Composition I Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
Freshman Year - Spring (15 Credit Hours)
- ENC 1102 - Composition II Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
Sophomore Year - Fall (15 Credit Hours)
- ENC 3314 - Writing and Rhetoric Foundations Credit Hours: 3
- Course in Area of Specialization Credit Hours: 3
- Course in Minor/Certificate/Program of Study Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
- GEP Credit Hours: 3
Sophomore Year - Spring (15 Credit Hours)
- ENC 3502 - Research Methods in Writing and Literacy Studies Credit Hours: 3
- Advanced Core Course Credit Hours: 3
- Course Minor/Certificate/Program of Study Credit Hours: 3
- Elective Credit Hours: 3
- Elective Credit Hours: 3
Junior Year - Fall (16 Credit Hours)
- ENG 3836 - Professional Lives and Literacy Practices Credit Hours: 3
- Course in Area of Specialization Credit Hours: 3
- Course in Minor/Certificate/Program of Study Credit Hours: 3
- Elementary Foreign Language I or Elective Credit Hours: 4
- Elective Credit Hours: 3
Junior Year - Spring (16 Credit Hours)
- Practicum Credit Hours 3
- Course in Area of Specialization Credit Hours: 3
- Course in Minor/Certificate/Program of Study Credit Hours: 3
- Elementary Language II or Elective Credit Hours: 4
- Elective Credit Hours: 3
Senior Year - Fall (15 Credit Hours)
- Course in Area of Specialization Credit Hours: 3
- Advised Elective Credit Hours 3
- Course in Minor/Certificate/Program of Study Credit Hours: 3
- Elective Credit Hours: 3
- Elective Credit Hours 3
Senior Year - Spring (13 Credit Hours)
- ENC 4379 - Writing and Rhetoric Capstone Credit Hours: 3
- Advised Elective Credit Hours: 3
- Course in Minor/Certificate/Program of Study Credit Hours: 3
- Elective Credit Hours: 4