From City of Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer’s blog:
- An Awesome Outdoor City
- Highly Connected Neighborhoods and Districts
- The Best Education in Florida
- A Great Place for Business
- A Creator Culture
- An Iconic Visual Identity
- Stellar Music, Arts, Sports and Entertainment
- A Community that Takes Care of its Own
- A City Built for the Future
These are the 10 themes that members of Project DTO – Advancing Downtown Orlando envision for the future of our Downtown. The task force started with a vision to build upon our recent community investments, strengthen Downtown Orlando’s identity and celebrate Downtown’s authentic experience and character.
Project DTO’s nearly 100 volunteers have spent the last 13 months taking inventory of our Downtown’s assets, getting resident input and studying other downtown’s best practices to provide recommendations on how to make Downtown Orlando one of the best urban environments in America.
The task force developed more than 100 ideas to improve our Downtown. Some ideas include making our streets more pedestrian friendly, connecting our parks through a network, providing better shade, fostering food-preneurs, expanding our bike trails, creating a signature skyline and providing better entrances into Downtown.
Today they presented to City Council a new Vision Plan and Community Redevelopment Area Plan which will serve as our roadmap for Downtown’s future.
I would like to thank the members of Project DTO’s Task Force and Executive Advisory Committee for working tirelessly to help craft a road map for the future of our community and for their unwavering support for Downtown Orlando. I would also like to thank the thousands of residents who provided input into the plan – from those who attended events to those who submitted feedback on social media.
We have always said Project DTO would be a plan for the future of Downtown Orlando crafted by the residents of Orlando. There is no denying our pursuit of these recommendations will make Downtown Orlando and Central Florida an even better place to live, work and play.
– Buddy Dyer, Mayor