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Financial Aid Summaries are emailed to incoming freshman, transfer, and graduate students beginning in March. Continuing students are sent an email notification informing them to log onto myUCF to review their awards for the upcoming year. Initial awards are considered estimates and may be amended due to factors such as contingent admission status, changes in enrollment, not meeting satisfactory academic progress, changes in need as a result of completing the verification process, residency, incomplete financial aid file, additional resources, etc.

UCF is committed to using the Principles & Standards of the College Cost Transparency Initiative in its student financial aid offer.

2025 SFA Award Guide

2025-2026 Financial Aid Guide

Check out the 2025-2026 Financial Aid Guide for more information about accepting your awards.

Download PDF


Student awards will be based upon the student’s eligibility, the amount of available funds, the number of UCF students who qualify for aid, and the date the student completes the application process. The amounts listed on the financial aid summaries are estimates based on full-time enrollment. Estimated Bright Future (BF) awards for incoming freshmen are projected based on high school information. The award will become official after we receive confirmation from the State. You will also be notified by the State regarding your eligibility. The BF award amounts are based on an average enrollment of 14 hours per term and will be calculated after confirmation from the State and enrollment.  Admission to UCF must be finalized with no contingencies. Students must be classified as degree-seeking. Verification must be completed. Students must meet the Standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress. If all eligibility is met, financial aid funds may be disbursed.

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of minimal hourly requirements for each program, which can be found on the Program Eligibility Charts. When requirements are no longer met, awards will be adjusted as necessary; updated awards will appear on myUCF. All awards are subject to change.You are required to inform financial aid of any additional aid you expect to receive not yet listed on the financial aid summary or found under View my Financial Aid on myUCF. Any subsequent awards may necessitate a revision of your financial aid award package. This includes, but is not limited to, any private scholarships or third party tuition payment/waivers, such as non-resident or other waivers, departmental payments, etc.

Newly Admitted Students

Office of Student Financial Assistance begins notifying incoming freshmen and transfer students of their estimated financial aid packages March. The initial 2025-2026 award letter is emailed to the student’s preferred email address. If there is any adjustment to the initial award package, the student will receive notification through their UCF email account instructing them to review the changes through their myUCF Portal. We will only send notifications such as these to a student’s UCF email account.

Reporting Outside Scholarships

Students must notify our office of all outside awards received, including awards paid directly to you. Please report your outside scholarships to our office using the Self Report Private Scholarships tool via myUCF.

Summer 2025 Admits

Students entering Summer 2025 and wish to apply to receive financial aid for the summer term must complete the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The 2025-2026 FAFSA covers Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and Summer 2026, NOT Summer 2025. The last day to complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA is June 30, 2025.

Continuing Students

Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Students with a valid FAFSA with UCF and currently meeting the Office of Student Financial Assistance SAP policy will begin receiving an award email notification to their UCF email account beginning late March.

SAP Financial Aid Warning, Cancellation, or Probation Status

Students with a valid FAFSA with UCF and have a SAP Financial Aid Warning, Cancellation, or Probation status will have their financial aid eligibility reviewed at the end of Spring after their SAP status has been evaluated. Those students who meet financial aid eligibility requirements including SAP will begin receiving an award email notification to their UCF email account beginning late May.

Students with extenuating circumstances (e.g., death of a relative, an illness or injury of the student, etc.), who have been placed on a cancellation status, may appeal to the Financial Aid Review Committee for reinstatement based on his/her special case.

High Achievement Scholars

Students receiving the scholarships listed below are advised to complete the FAFSA prior to June 1,  for timely processing of their scholarship award. Continuing students will not have their scholarship placed on their award file until they’ve met the renewal requirements to include a successfully completed FAFSA.