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Pegasus Scholarships are awarded to entering students by Undergraduate Admissions to recognize outstanding academic performance. There is no separate application for this scholarship program. Students who apply for admission to UCF for summer or fall terms are automatically considered.

Pegasus Program Scholarships

image of student at ucf study station image of student at ucf study station

Program Eligibility Charts

Financial aid is provided based on your eligibility and the availability of funding. To compare programs and determine your eligibility, view the Pegasus Program Eligibility Charts for fall, spring and summer.

Review Program Eligibility Charts

Program Requirements

This scholarship is awarded to exceptional high school students who are accepted for a summer or fall semester by Undergraduate Admissions. If you are a recipient of any of the scholarships in this program, you are responsible for making note of the following.

Required Hours

Students must enroll full-time (a minimum of 12 UCF credit hours) each fall and spring term. Dual or transient hours taken at another institution will not be considered in the hours calculated for full-time enrollment for the purpose of this scholarship.

If a student does not meet the 12 UCF credit hour requirement and has not been granted an enrollment exception before the add/drop period, their scholarship will be at risk of cancellation.

Graduation Exception

An exception to the full-time enrollment requirement can be granted during a student’s graduating semester. For the Graduation exception to be considered, students must provide a memo with the heading Grad MEMO, on letterhead from their Student Success Coach indicating:

  • Student’s name and UCFID
  • Semester graduation is expected
  • Name of course(s) needed for graduation
  • Name of the undergraduate degree to be received

If a student enrolls in less than six UCF hours during their graduating semester, the exception must be reviewed by the UCF Scholarship Committee. To submit the Graduation Memo, students should use the Document and File Upload tool and select the routing option: Graduation Memo.

Students should submit their request at least two months prior to the beginning of their graduating semester for a decision to be rendered before the tuition payment deadline. Confirmation of Grad Memos will begin after the add/drop/swap period of each semester.

Scholarship Deferment

Receiving student may request a deferment for the purpose of taking part in activities that would interrupt their required continuous enrollment at the University of Central Florida.

A scholarship deferment request can hold the scholarship for a maximum of two semesters.

Acceptable reasons to defer a scholarship include, but are not limited to: military service, documented medical conditions, internships/Co-Ops, religious missions, etc. At the time of deferment, the student must be meeting the renewal criteria for the scholarship. A deferment will not be granted for attendance at any other higher education institution.

Students seeking a deferment must complete a State Programs and Scholarships Appeal Form and submit a letter indicating the reason for the request, along with supporting documentation. The appeal must be submitted no later than two months prior to the start of the semester in which the deferment is being requested.

Failure to obtain approval prior to departure from the university will result in cancellation of scholarship.


Students must enroll full-time (a minimum of 12 UCF credit hours) each fall and spring semester. If extenuating circumstances exist that prevent full-time enrollment, students may appeal to the UCF Scholarship Committee. Appeals must be submitted prior to the semester in which the exception is being requested.

Failure to obtain approval to enroll less than full-time will result in cancellation of scholarship.

Renewal Requirements

Scholarship renewal requirements are evaluated annually after grades have been posted. To meet renewal requirements for the scholarship, students must meet both the completed hours and GPA requirements each year:

Enrollment Required for Renewal Evaluation:

Students must enroll in at least 12 UCF credit hours in the fall and spring terms to be eligible for renewal evaluation.

GPA Renewal Evaluation:

Students must earn the required minimum UCF cumulative GPA by the end of each spring term. Summer grades earned after spring evaluation may not be used to meet the scholarship GPA renewal requirements.

Completed Hours Renewal Evaluation:

First-time in College Recipients

Students must complete 24 credit hours between the previous fall and spring terms.
For Example: If a student was enrolled in 12 credit hours for the fall semester and earned 9 hours, the student would need to enroll in and successfully complete 15 hours in the spring semester to have earned 24 credit hours by the end of the evaluation period.

UCF Transfer Scholarship Recipients

Students must complete 24 credit hours between the previous fall and spring terms.
For Example: If a student was enrolled in 12 credit hours for the fall semester and earned 9 hours, the student would need to enroll in and successfully complete 15 hours in the spring semester to have earned 24 credit hours by the end of the evaluation period.


Only earned UCF credit hours will be considered for renewal evaluation of Pegasus Awards.

Appeal Process

If a student falls below the hours and/or GPA requirements, they will be permanently canceled for the scholarship program. If extenuating circumstances caused a student to do poorly, they may submit a Scholarship Appeal Form. The Scholarship Appeal should be based on the student’s extenuating circumstances and how it affected them during the semester(s) in question.

All Pegasus Scholarship appeals must be received in the Office of Student Financial Assistance no later than June 30th to ensure no delay in processing their upcoming Fall semester. Ensure to attach any supporting documents that confirm your extenuating circumstance.

Students who would like to request a semester off of the scholarship program must submit the appeal the semester prior to the semester they plan to be away.

Students can appeal through the State Programs and Scholarships Appeal Form, accessible from our website. Students will need to select the Pegasus Program category to indicate which Pegasus scholarship they are appealing. Additional instructions can be found on the Scholarship appeal website. The State Programs and Scholarships Appeal Form allows you to select multiple awards you would like to appeal. If you do not select all scholarship programs you want to appeal, you may see a delay in a decision as the information will not be immediately routed to all needed areas.”

Pegasus Scholarships FAQs

The Pegasus Scholarship Program includes National Merit, National Achievement, National Recognition Program and the Pegasus Scholarships. In addition, we have several Transfer Scholarships that are awarded based on high academic achievement. They include the Ralph C. Boston, Articulated Honors to Honors, Cultural Diversity, High Academic Achievement, All Florida Academic First Team, All Florida Academic Second Team, and the Director’s Special Achievement.

A maximum of 8 terms or until graduation, whichever is less.

Students whose major requires 124 or more hours may receive a one term extension (double majors and minors are not considered). A letter (on letterhead) from the department verifying the number of hours required for the degree must be submitted to the Office of Student Financial Assistance prior to the 9th term.

Possibly. You must submit a Scholarship Appeal Form and letter stating the reason(s) that you need the time away from UCF. The appeal must be submitted prior to the term(s) that you plan to be away. The UCF Scholarship Committee will review your request and render a decision. If you leave UCF without asking for the time off, you will not be reinstated to the scholarship program upon your return. Extenuating circumstances are the exception.

These scholarships are awarded to entering high school graduates by Undergraduate Admissions to recognize outstanding academic performance. There is no separate application for this scholarship program. When you apply for admission to UCF, you are automatically considered.

A maximum of 8 terms or until graduation, whichever is less.

Students whose major requires 124 or more hours may receive a one-term extension. (Double majors and minors are not considered) A letter from the department verifying the number of hours required must be submitted to the Office of Student Financial Assistance prior to the 9th term.

The Directors Special Achievement Scholarship is a nonrenewable one year (two semesters) award.

No. The Pegasus Scholarship is only available during the fall and spring terms.

Possibly. You must submit a Scholarship Appeal prior to the term(s) that you plan to be away from UCF, stating the reason(s) that you need the time away from UCF. The UCF Scholarship Committee will review your request and make a decision. If you leave UCF without asking for the time off, you will not be reinstated to the scholarship program upon your return. Extenuating circumstances are the exception.

These scholarships are awarded to entering out of state high school graduates by Undergraduate Admissions to recognize outstanding academic performance. There is no separate application for this scholarship program. Students are automatically considered when they apply for admission.

Any combination of UCF-sponsored non-resident waiver awards will cover up to the waiver award amount or the non-resident fee amount, whichever is less.

Yes. If you want to Co-Op or intern, you must let us know in writing which term you plan to Co-Op or intern prior to that term. We will defer your scholarship until you return as a full-time student the following term.

No, the scholarship is not available for use during the summer semester. It is to be used during the fall and spring semesters only.

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