The UCF Foundation Board is composed of community leaders who volunteer their time to guide the foundation. The board has many different roles, including acting as a financial and investment advisor; assisting with real estate policies, procedures, potential transactions, and other real estate issues affecting the foundation; providing general direction of fundraising plans; and managing and governing the business affairs of the foundation.
Board of Directors
Board of Directors Full Listing
Board Officers
- Roslyn Burttram ’20
- Vice Chair
- Stuart Heaton P’17
- Vice Chair
- Eva Tukdarian ’90 ’91
- Treasurer
- Dana Patton ’93
- Secretary
- Carrie Daanen ’92
- Former Board Chair
- Corporate Officers
- Rodney Grabowski, CFRE
- Chief Executive Officer
- Gina Sholtis
- Chief Development Officer
- Craig Erwin
- Chief Financial Officer
- Rachel Schaefer
- Chief of Staff
- Janelle Hom ’10MA
- Director of Foundation Board Relations
- Corporate Legal Counsel and
Registered Agent
Richard Welsh
Senior Associate General Counsel
Richard.Welsh@ucf.eduAny person who wishes to appeal a decision made by the UCF Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors with respect to any matter considered at this public meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based.