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The UCF Foundation Board is composed of community leaders who volunteer their time to guide the foundation. The board has many different roles, including acting as a financial and investment advisor; assisting with real estate policies, procedures, potential transactions, and other real estate issues affecting the foundation; providing general direction of fundraising plans; and managing and governing the business affairs of the foundation.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors Full Listing

Board Officers
Roslyn Burttram ’20
Vice Chair
Stuart Heaton P’17
Vice Chair
Eva Tukdarian ’90 ’91
Dana Patton ’93
Carrie Daanen ’92
Former Board Chair
Corporate Officers
Rodney Grabowski, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
Gina Sholtis
Chief Development Officer
Craig Erwin
Chief Financial Officer
Rachel Schaefer
Chief of Staff
Janelle Hom ’10MA
Director of Foundation Board Relations
Corporate Legal Counsel and

Registered Agent

Richard Welsh
Senior Associate General Counsel

Any person who wishes to appeal a decision made by the UCF Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors with respect to any matter considered at this public meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based.