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The application period is currently closed and will reopen January 2026 for the 2026-27 academic year. We encourage you to check back later for more information on how to apply.

In the meantime, review the resources provided on this page to help you prepare the best possible application, including guidelines, tips and some of the benefits of joining. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to our recruitment coordinators, Luisa Cordova and Amarye Morrisey.




Application Requirements

  • Completed application packet
  • Two letters of recommendation (at least one from a faculty member)
  • Current resume
  • Overall grade point average of 3.0 or better
  • Must be degree-seeking students of junior standing or higher (60+ credit hours) by the end of the spring term in which you apply
  • Must have demonstrated leadership ability through involvement in university and community activities


  • Focus on what interests you and makes you unique.
  • Don’t be intimidated! It’s a serious job, but the fun starts in the interview.
  • Showcase your love for UCF! Remember, PLC members are university ambassadors.
  • Think about why PLC needs you, not why you need PLC.
  • Start asking around for those letters of recommendation ASAP.
  • Have someone look over your application. An extra set of eyes goes a long way!



PLC members will extend the role of the presidency through their voice, contributions and values. They will represent the diverse, energetic and creative identity of the University of Central Florida while using this platform to intentionally develop personal leadership skills and enhance the campus community.


As a member of the President’s Leadership Council, students will engage in the role of  university ambassador — while developing critical leadership skills. Activities and events related to this role will challenge students to grow professionally and personally. By participating in these activities, each member will complete 125 hours of service, training and event work.

PLC Ambassador Icon


Presidential Events
Tell Your Story
Philanthropic Functions
Share the UCF Story
Sporting Events
Speaking Engagements
Campus Milestones

PLC Leadership Icon


Council Positions

PLC Advisor Icon


  • Share Ideas
  • Solve Problems
  • Campus Partnerships
  • Community Service
  • Voice Concerns
  • Philanthropy
  • University Service