Hello PLC, and welcome to the PLC member portal! This site will be our new hub for signups, hours tracking and other PLC business. The landing page for all links is the President’s Leadership Council Webcourses page. Here, you can find links to useful tools like the Signup Genius homepage, our slack channel, the most-updated hours log, the Google Calendar, member info and the E-Board Google Drive. The hours tab will be updated periodically, so be sure to check back often for new information.
The tool we will be using to post, organize and sign up for events is Signup Genius. Please continue to monitor the Signup Genius page for new event postings and sign up for those events that are already available. Be sure to carefully read the event description and comments before signing up to ensure that you are properly informed for each event.
Roles, Events and Opportunities
Presidential Events
- Commencements
- Milestone events
- Alumni Events
- National Scholars’ Reception
- Campus forums and conversations
- Board of Governors’ meetings
- Gubernatorial, legislative and other VIP visits
- Founders’ Day
- Philanthropic functions
- Campus recognition events
- Groundbreakings
- New building dedications
- Graduation
Campus Tours
- Search candidates
- Executive leadership, alumni and donors
Speaking Engagements
- President’s Suite at home football and basketball games
- Events at Burnett House (president’s home)
Workshops and Retreats
- Service vs philanthropy
- University vision and direction
- Campus functions
- Board of Trustees
- Board of Governors
- Networking
- Managing vs leading
- Developing your brand
- Public speaking
- Social/mass communication
- Cross-cultural competence
- Unspoken rules
Training and Development
- Orientation
- New member retreat
- Alumni panel
- Fall orientation
- Mid-year retreat
- Spring retreat (overnight)
- Council workshops
- Leadership showcase
Roles and Opportunities
- E-board positions
- Chair positions
- Service projects
- Event captains
- Dean or VP liaison
- Peer mentor
- VIP mentor
- Facilitating workshops for peers
Extension of the Presidency
- Monthly sessions with the president to discuss core university challenges
- Raise ideas and concerns heard from interactions during events
- Implement solutions
Council Platform
- Campus partnership (with other campus leaders)
- President’s Council Challenge (solving a campus problem)
- Yearly council project
- Secret campus project
- Philanthropy
- Community service projects with local agencies