UCF men and women will take to the stage to compete in the 2015 UCF Scholarship Pageants for the title of Mr. UCF and Miss UCF. Who will be the winners?
Each competition, presented by the Campus Activities Board, will be held in the Student Union Pegasus Ballroom at 8 p.m. This year’s pageants will distribute $12,500 in scholarship money among the 21 contestants.
On Friday, February 6, nine men vie for the title of Mr. UCF 2015. The following are the contestants along with their major:
On Saturday, February 7, one woman out of 12 will be crowned Miss UCF 2015. Contestants along with their major are as follows:
Miss UCF 2014 will have the honor to crown Miss UCF 2015.
Both events have no admission charge are open to the entire UCF community.
The pageants are a combination of sponsorships from the Student Government Association, UCF Alumni Association and advertisement revenue.
The judging panels will feature a former Mr. UCF as well as a former Miss UCF/Miss Florida. Contestants compete in five phases of competition: private interview, on stage question, lifestyle and fitness, talent, and evening wear. Each student has been preparing for the competition since auditioning in late September.
CAB is an agency of the Office of Student Involvement in the Division of Student Development and Enrollment Services.