Shaquem Griffin Receives NCAA Inspiration Award Former UCF star became the first NFL player with one hand and a role model for others.
UCF Research Reaches Space for Second Time in 2 Months Following a successful flight in December, University of Central Florida research launched into space again today, this time thanks to the spaceflight company Blue Origin…
Orlando Islamic Community Supports New Endowed Faculty Position The Al-Ghazali Endowed Distinguished Professorship will support Professor Cyrus Zargar in growing the Islamic Studies program at UCF.
UCF Business Incubation Program Companies Receive Record-Breaking Investments Companies in the University of Central Florida’s Business Incubator Program set records in 2018 for both investments and grants, with outside investment in 50 of…
MFA Student to Screen ‘Waking Up White’ TV Pilot at ZORA! Fest Jason Gregory says he hopes the project highlights our similarities, rather than our differences.
Update: Trevor Colbourn Hall Investigation For the past four months, UCF has been dealing with important issues concerning inappropriate funds used to build Trevor Colbourn Hall. In September, the Board…
Whom Should Self-Driving Cars Be Programmed to Protect? We need to be thinking more about the ethics of new technologies before they hit showroom floors.
UCF Receives Grant from Florida Blue to Improve Health in Parramore The Parramore Healthy Community Coalition will spearhead initiatives ranging from nutrition education to diabetes screenings for the community.
UCF to Host Telescope Night for 1st Total Lunar Eclipse of 2019 Pack a blanket, bring some snacks and head to UCF’s Memory Mall on Sunday, Jan. 20, for a front-row seat of 2019’s first total lunar…