UCF to Test Emergency Communication Tools Wednesday Outdoor sirens, text messages and social media posts will all be utilized.
UCF Researchers Discover Secret to Destroy Chemical Weapons Making sure the chemicals are completely destroyed will help ensure the safety of people and those responsible for their removal.
UCF Professor Emeritus Receives Highest Civil Engineering Honor Essam Radwan is being recognized for simulation research to improve traffic operations and his leadership enhancing civil engineering education.
Learning History Helps Us Understand Who We Are in Different Ways There’s something visceral about walking the land that your ancestors once walked.
Provost Makes 2 Appointments to Leadership Team Provost Elizabeth A. Dooley says new team members will help bolster university’s academic excellence and achievement.
7 Little-Known Facts About the Declaration of Independence These tidbits might make you rethink the Fourth of July — or at least arm you with some trivia for the holiday picnic.