Pretty Soon, Floridians May No Longer Need to Wait to Turn Left on Red UCF researcher and alum Hatem Abou-Senna ’03MS ’12PhD worked on a project with the Florida Department of Transportation to make left turns safer and more efficient.
As Migrant Crisis Hits U.S. Border, Texas Town Keeps it Classy In 2014, Associate Instructor Rick Brunson ’84 spent a week in El Paso, Texas, and was inspired to write this award-winning piece about the town, which is as strong as ever after the loss of 22 lives in a recent tragedy.
In This Era of Racial Divide, How Do We Bridge the Gap? I facilitated an event in the community last year following the screening of the WUCF documentary The Groveland Four. I hope everyone is already familiar…
Our New Vice President for Compliance and Risk Holding ourselves to the highest standards is one way that we live our values every day. Having leaders in place who help us do that…
UCF Camp for High School Students Inspires Future Legal Professionals UCF Legal Studies developed a weeklong camp to introduce youth from Jones, Evans and Boone high schools to careers in law.
UCF College of Medicine Welcomes New Class of Aspiring Doctors More than 100 new UCF students received their white coats Monday as they embark on medical school.
Meet the 5 Members of UCF’s 1st All-Female Cybersecurity Team The team, which is a part of the university’s decorated Hack@UCF club, will be the only all-female squad to compete at the Wicked6 Cyber Games in Las Vegas this week.
PHOTOS: Best of Summer 2019 Grad Caps More than 4,000 students graduated from UCF on Aug. 3, and many of them found their own way to stand out among the crowd at…
UCF Graduate’s Downtown Business Definitely Not His Swan Song Andrew Chang ’12 ’14MHA started his T-shirt company Swan City as a way of paying tribute to quirks and highlights of his adopted home, Orlando.