UCF Installs Vending Machines Stocked with Face Coverings Each student, faculty and staff member is allotted one free washable cloth mask, which can be obtained through a vending machine or at one of the university’s distribution sites.
Each Human Being is Precious But currently Black lives are in danger and in need of support to make change.
Knight Line Student-Run Calling Center Focuses on Caring Since the pandemic hit, UCF students who typically fundraise for the university through alumni outreach are now connecting with grads through “care calls.”
Guidelines for Receiving COVID-19 Tests, Reporting Results Student Health Services’ Michael Deichen provides guidance for the campus community about COVID-19 testing, which is available on UCF’s main and medical campuses.
UCF Earns International Accreditation in Healthcare Simulation Education UCF’s nursing simulation program is among more than 100 programs in 10 countries to receive accreditation from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, which is the world’s largest healthcare simulation accrediting body.
Cancer-fighting Technology Developed at UCF Licensed to French Pharmaceutical Giant College of Medicine Associate Professor Alicja Copik’s nanoparticle technology that helps stimulate natural cancer-killing cells is now in the hands of Sanofi, which hopes to find new blood-cancer treatments.
Pegasus Professor Inducted into the National Center for Simulation Hall of Fame Charlie Hughes has dedicated his career to advancing the world of modeling and simulation and has played a major role in the success of dozens of students.
Face Covering Distribution Available on Main and Downtown Campuses Individuals with a valid UCF ID can pick up one, free cotton reusable face covering at either of the two campuses, with future distribution coming to the Rosen and Lake Nona campuses.
What Is Contact Tracing? How Can It Help Manage COVID-19? Robin Hines, a population health sciences expert at the College of Medicine, outlines steps for contact tracing and explains why it is important.