More than a Quarterback McKenzie Milton came to UCF as a skinny kid from a small town in Hawaii. He leaves as maybe the most impactful athlete ever to represent the black and gold.
The Cost of Procrastination Is the Life You Could Have Lived Instead of waiting for signs to do something that you always wanted to do, take the time to design and plan out your life.
Thank You For All You Do UCF leadership wish faculty and staff happy holidays and announce a one-time bonus payment for eligible employees in January 2021.
UCF Developed Sensor Passes First Test, On Track for Future Moon Missions Understanding how dust behaves on the moon and other planetary surfaces is critical for future space exploration missions.
Tell Me Something Good — The Benefits of Gratitude For advice on how to practice gratitude, we turn to Katherine Daly, a licensed psychologist who leads wellness efforts at the UCF College of Medicine.
Rare Bethlehem Star, Geminids and More Delight Stargazers this Month No special equipment will be needed to watch all the action.
Proceeds from UCF Masks Raise $50,000 for Student Aid The face coverings, made by Orlando-based Rock ’Em, are part of an ‘Armor Up, Knights’ fundraiser to help students in need during the pandemic.
Not Everything in Today’s Society Needs to be a Competition We need to work harder to understand each other because acting like cavemen fighting for firewood will not save us.
UCF GIS Professor Changes Path of Student, Helps Lead Her to Awesome Job Doctoral candidate earns sociology degree after a long journey through three states, another nation and motherhood.