UCF Expands Healthcare Partnerships to Prepare Practice-ready Nurses Launched this fall, new dedicated education units at Pegasus Partners AdventHealth and Orlando Health are strengthening the front line to improve the health of the community.
Dean Amin Appointed Interim CIO Sheila Amin Gutiérrez de Piñeres, dean of the university’s Burnett Honors College, has previous experience working data analytics and leading enterprise resource planning.
UCF Receives $1.5M NSF Grant to Improve Energy Efficiency of Wireless Communications The award, provided through the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Addressing Systems Challenges through Engineering Teams program, aims to address problems surrounding engineering systems and networks.
11 Lesser-known Facts about the Mayflower and Thanksgiving With the Mayflower voyage having been completed over 400 years ago, a UCF historian tells us what the storybooks have right, what they might have wrong and why it’s all still important.
Successful UCF Global Pilot Program to Upskill Hospitality Workers with English-language Instruction is Expanding The program’s findings show significant learning gains across all areas of instruction including grammar, vocabulary, reading and speaking.
Achievement Through Adaptation: UCF International Student Finds Success Abroad Valerie Mauricio Ruiz, an advertising/public relations major, is achieving her academic and career goals with the Benjamin A. Gilman scholarship and an internship overseas.
2 UCF Students to Compete on the 2024 U.S. Cyber Team The students, who qualified due to excellent performances in other cybersecurity challenges, will compete worldwide in various competitions while representing the nation.
UCF Aerospace Doctoral Student Recognized for Outstanding Work by Raytheon Technologies Sydney Giannuzzi’s summer internship is part of an ongoing collaboration between Raytheon and UCF researchers.
UCF Earns 4th CyberForce National Championship One team secured first place and another ranked fourth in the competition against some of the nation’s top cybersecurity students.