Student Development and Enrollment Services celebrates 2013 Diversity Week:
2nd Annual SDES Inclusion and Diversity Showcase on Wednesday, October 23 at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Student Union, Key West Ballroom
The Division of Student Development and Enrollment Services engages students in the total collegiate experience at the UCF from matriculation, to successful progression, graduation, and employment in a global workforce. This is accomplished by providing opportunities for enriched student development, leadership growth, experience based learning, values education and civic engagement which lead to overall student success.
The UCF community is invited to the showcase to learn how Student Development and Enrollment Services’ departments and units weave inclusion and diversity into the fabric of their work with students.
The event is also designed to show how SDES serves supports students on a daily basis throughout the division and the university.
The showcase will have a variety of food, fun and live entertainment. For more information about SDES, visit: