A gung-ho police sketch artist and a war-weary girl are among the characters who will visit the University of Central Florida on June 30 as part of an on-campus video game playtest by UCF graduate students. Four student teams from UCF’s Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy (FIEA) will be seeking public input on their latest in-progress video games.
The playtest will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, June 30 in Room 218 of the Student Union. UCF’s main campus is located at 4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando, FL 32816. The students will be on UCF’s concourse recruiting players the day of the playtest.
These games serve as the students master’s thesis for the FIEA program, which was ranked the #1 graduate video game development program this year by the Princeton Review. The public will have a chance to play the games, meet the developers and shape the games with their feedback. The games will be finished on Aug. 5.
The games being tested are “The Channeler,” “Child No More,” “Ley Lines,” and “Sketch Artist.” “The Channeler” uses the Tobii EyeX eye tracker, which allows the player use their eyes as the game controller to solve crimes committed by spirits. “Child No More” is a story-driven adventure game about a girl fleeing war-torn Europe with her animal companions. In “Ley Lines” you solve puzzles in a ruined temple using powers like altering gravity, slowing time and shifting space. In “Sketch Artist” you play the role of a police sketch artist trying to create accurate drawings of outlandish suspects who are accused of often humorous crimes.
For more information, please contact fieaplaytesting12@gmail.com.