The Performing Arts at UCF Empowers Community Members Living with Aphasia June is Aphasia Awareness Month, which recognizes the more than 2 million people living with the condition that impacts their ability to communicate.
WUCF TV Series to Address Pandemic Impact on Local Arts, History Groups Guests will discuss how programs will carry on in the post-COVID-19 era.
Theatre Professor Uses Sewing Skills to Help UCF Police UCF’s resident costume designer and her family are making masks for officers stationed at the COVID-19 testing site on campus.
UCF Graduate Knows Where the Good Deals Are In his line of work, Jonathan Mangum ’93 sometimes leads people to some really good deals – and then other times, well, not so good.…
Visiting Professor Teaches Students about Puppets and Play Ayelet Golan with the Israel Institute’s Visiting Artists Program also instructs how to create using found objects.
STEM and language arts — two sides of the same coin? Spanish Professor Tyler Fisher makes the case for unity between STEM and language arts — and what students can do to make the most out of whichever field they choose.
‘#GodHatesYou’ is a Reminder That Words Matter The production is part of Pegasus PlayLab, which is in its second year, and will return to the Theatre UCF stage in August.
UCF Alumna Talks Role in Tony Award-Nominated Musical “The Prom” Jerusha Cavazos ’14 made her Broadway debut in the new musical comedy about acceptance and love in October. Now, The Prom is nominated for 7 Tony Awards.
What’s it like to Tour with ‘Hamilton’? This UCF Alumna Shares the Details Abby Jaros ’14 discusses her experience as a cast member in the hit musical that’s currently captivating audiences in downtown Orlando.
‘Human Error’ Prepares Students to be Voice of New Generation in Theatre UCF School of Performing Arts presents Human Error, a new play that runs June 14-24 and Aug. 23-26 on the UCF Main Stage. The production…
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal