You’ve accomplished so much in the years you’ve been at UCF. How do you approach your goals?
I’ve always been goal-oriented and kept lists of my short- and long-term goals. For me, the act of writing goals down in ink on paper makes them real and becomes a commitment. Over the years, I’ve found it gratifying to check off completed goals and add new ones.
What is on your retirement list?
1. Learn to speak French
2. Survey the Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim religions
3. Read War and Peace (I never did. Shame on me!)
4. Travel to two countries I haven’t visited
5. Spend a week volunteering at Best Friends Animal Shelter in Utah
How do you plan to spend your free time?
I like to chill with my family—my husband, children, grandchildren and my brothers. I also enjoy visiting or entertaining friends and close buddies. I’m also serious about fitness training, mostly swimming, biking and running. Of course, having been an English professor, I love reading novels, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, magazines, newspapers and even cereal boxes! And I’ll travel anywhere, anytime.
What are your all-time favorite movies?
Tender Mercies is my number one favorite, but I would also suggest Moonstruck, Annie Hall, Godfather I & II, The Big Chill, Deliverance, Gone With the Wind and Tootsie.
While you’re making lists for us, what are your favorite pop tunes in your iPod?
Graceland, Imagine, Desperado, Bridge Over Troubled Water, You Were Always on My Mind, A Song for You and Bohemian Rhapsody.
What kinds of fitness goals are you focused on right now?
I’d like to attend an open water swim camp, qualify for IronMan 70.3 Championships and complete at least one IronMan triathlon, compete in the World Senior Games and qualify for Team USA in triathlon.