A Thursday public forum about two new rail lines set to profoundly change Central Florida will feature Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, Orange County Commissioner Bill Segal and local and state transportation leaders.
“Integrating Rail in Central Florida: Where We Are, Where We Are Going, What Are the Challenges?” will take place from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Thursday, April 29, at the UCF Executive Development Center, 36 W. Pine St., Orlando. The forum is being organized by the Urban Land Institute and UCF’s Metropolitan Center for Regional Studies.
Panelists will discuss how to ensure that, with SunRail and high-speed rail, the region has one integrated transportation system that serves the region’s workforce, tourists and business travelers well. They also will discuss how rail can promote economic competitiveness and smart growth and how to ensure that the systems are financially and environmentally sustainable.
Joining Dyer and Segal on the panel will be Harry Barley, executive director of METROPLAN ORLANDO; Linda Watson, chief executive officer of LYNX; and Todd Hammerle, the District 5 project manager for SunRail for the Florida Department of Transportation.
VHB MillerSellen is also a sponsor of the forum.
For information on reservations and the cost to attend the forum, visit https://centralflorida.uli.org/ or contact Mark Loeb at mark.loeb@uli.org.