Student Development and Enrollment Services, in collaboration with Regional Campus and Academic Advising Council, extended an invitation to Charlie Nutt, executive director of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), to visit the UCF.
Nutt facilitated several presentations, including topics such as “National and International Trends in Academic Advising: Learning Opportunities for UCF,” “NACADA: Advising Trends, Benefits, and Professional Development,” and “Advisors as Architects of Their Profession.”
In addition, he participated in a roundtable lunch with the First Year Advising Exploration staff and concluded the day by engaging in a discussion with UCF administrators.
Nutt presented to over 125 faculty, staff members and administrators including UCF professional advisors, college academic advising directors, and the Academic Advising Council. DeLaine Priest, associate vice president for SDES, praised his focus on the significance of advisors in the success of students.
He challenged advisors to take a more active role in the academic advising field by constantly staying abreast in the research and literature, to engage in professional development opportunities, and to understand their impact on retention and student success.
Advisors were empowered and encouraged by Nutt’s presentation. Feedback included, “Charlie is passionate and it is infectious. I’m fired up and ready to make changes.”