Can sport help address issues of social justice?
The UCF College of Business Administration will be presenting “Bridging the Racial Divide” with Richard Lapchick, Ph.D., at the Dean’s Speaker Series, generously supported by CFE Federal Credit Union. This event will be held on Thursday, December 11, 2014 from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. at the Citrus Club in downtown Orlando.
Lapchick will discuss the significance of gender violence in the National Football League, as well as recent ownership crises with the Los Angeles Clippers and Atlanta Hawks. He is often referred to as the “racial conscience of sport” and is a human rights activist and pioneer for racial equality. As a world-renowned expert on sports issues, scholar, and author, he frequently writes for and The Sports Business Journal, and has appeared numerous times on Nightline, Good Morning America, Face The Nation, The Today Show, ABC World News, NBC Nightly News, the CBS Evening News and CNN. He received his Ph.D. in International Race Relations from the University of Denver in 1973.
To learn more and to register, visit
The Dean’s Speaker Series is a monthly opportunity from the college to learn about the provocative new programs that our world-class faculty are spearheading, researching, and teaching. Faculty members discuss new business ideas and have the chance to network with business professionals in our community. In recent months, Carol Saunders, Ph.D., Marshall Schminke, Ph.D., and Gregory Trompeter, Ph.D., have shared their wisdom with Orlando community leaders, students, UCF alumni and faculty members. Saunders spoke on unintended consequences related to technology in health care. Schminke discussed how ethical cultures are formed in the workplace, while Trompeter talked about detecting and preventing corporate fraud.