The public is invited to an open house and holiday card printing at Flying Horse Editions, the University of Central Florida’s fine art research facility.
The Letterpress Happy Hour will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 22, at the UCF Center for Emerging Media, 500 W. Livingston St. in downtown Orlando.
Event attendees will learn more about letterpress printing and will have the opportunity to create custom holiday cards.
The open house is free, but with a $10 donation attendees will receive five custom printed cards and a beverage. All donations from the event will go toward operating the press.
Founded in 1990, Flying Horse Editions is a nonprofit publisher of limited-edition prints, books and art objects by internationally renowned artists. Flying Horse Editions heightens the education of UCF students by giving them a change to improve printing and design skills.
Click here learn more about the Letterpress Happy Hour.