Investing in graduate school is one of the biggest decisions you face. Obtaining a graduate degree is a good idea when it will open the doors to your desired profession or advance your career. But there’s a lot to consider.
That’s why the College of Graduate Studies is hosting its annual Grad Fair from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union – Pegasus Ballroom on Thursday, Sept. 26.
Grad Fair is an open-house type of event that gives you the opportunity to learn more about the university’s nearly 200 graduate programs, including master’s degree, doctoral, specialist, and certificate programs.
Faculty and staff members from various programs will be available for one-on-one conversations about the programs that interest you. Graduate Admissions and Financials staff members will also be on hand to discuss the variety of admissions options that UCF offers, as well as information about fellowships, assistantships, and financial aid that are available.
The fair is free and attendees can dress casually. Parking is available in any university lot or garage for $5.00. For more information, visit or email
While considering your option, you may also want to consider that 9.3 percent of the population age 25 and older hold a graduate degree according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Completing a graduate education is a great way to stand out in the workforce and increase career opportunities for a brighter future.