Florida Cleantech Acceleration Network, FL CAN, has published the only catalog of “cleantech” research from UCF and other Florida universities, which is available on its website, www.FLcleantech.com.
In one of the first phases of the project, led by UCF, research conducted at Florida universities was collected, organized and indexed to provide entrepreneurs, investors and industry an easy reference to the latest in cleantech innovations in Florida. Cleantech refers to products, services and processes that utilize renewable materials and energy sources, and subsequently reduce emissions or waste.
There are more than 300 innovative and patented technologies collected from six Florida universities and organized into two listings, by university and technology. These categories range from solar to fuel cells to displays. Each technology listed contains a link that takes the reviewer to a description of the technology. Users can find additional information on the website, including how to contact the universities directly for collaborative opportunities.
The technologies listed in the University IP (Intellectual Property) Catalog are available for licensing and are supported by the network of Florida universities, their researchers, technology-transfer offices and select laboratories for further R&D and commercialization.
By licensing research from Florida universities, entrepreneurs, investors and industry support the state’s economy, education and researchers, and they can accelerate their company’s R&D at a faster rate than if it were done internally.
The catalog is continually updated as new innovations are discovered and patented. The FL CAN project was funded by a $1.3 million Economic Development Administration grant last fall to drive technology commercialization and entrepreneurship to support a “green innovation economy.”
“This article was prepared by University of Central Florida under award #04-79-06583 from Economic Development Administration, and U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Economic Development Administration or the U.S. Department of Commerce.”