The first thing visitors to Total Quality Logistics’ Orlando office see is a UCF flag hanging from the ceiling. They hear a room abuzz with clapping, music, phones ringing and televisions blaring.
Those visitors included staff from Career Services and members of the athletics department, who entered the busy TQL environment on July 22 to learn about one of the largest third-party logistics companies in the country.
TQL gave UCF presentations on its history, current state and future. UCF graduates now at TQL, mentored attendees as they shadowed employees, learning about the logistics industry. The visit concluded with an alumni networking lunch.
“Employer tours such as the TQL visit enhance our knowledge of the company and career opportunities available to our students,” said UCF director of Career Development Bill Blank. “We actually had an opportunity to job shadow a UCF alum to learn more about their business services and the varied customers they serve.”
TQL hires any major and looks for a hall-of-fame work ethic. TQL Orlando – one of 35 satellite locations across 19 states for the Cincinnati-based company – is home to 26 UCF alumni and one UCF intern.
And that UCF flag? Not just there for show. Top-performing executives hang their alma mater’s flag for all to see. Go Knights!