The John C. Hitt Library will be closed Dec. 16 through Jan. 1 to allow workers to replace all the electrical panels as part of the 50-year-old building’s renovation. The university already was scheduled to be closed for winter break Dec. 25-Jan. 1, and this additional week of closure will affect the operations of the library staff and Center for Distributed Learning.
Some online library self-services will still be available at, including: databases, research guides, eBooks, online journals, streaming videos, information literacy modules and the STARS digital repository.
Requests for articles will be processed until Dec. 13, and document delivery requests will be processed until Dec. 14. No more interlibrary loan requests are being handled until January.
Books that are due can be deposited in book drops next to the main library entrance and in the parking lot between Howard Phillips and Millican halls, or if they’re eligible for renewal, the books’ due dates can be extended at
Staffers for the Center for Distributed Learning in the basement of the building will work Dec. 18-22 in the Partnership II building, Classroom Building I and remotely on campus. Phone service not be available but employees can be reached by email.
For help with CDL issues, email or chat online during office hours at
The 21st Century Library project is a multi-phased renovation and expansion. As each phase is completed, the next will begin. For updates on the project, go to: