According to a new study released by The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES), the National Football League continues to excel in racial hiring practices but has room for improvement when it comes to gender.

For the second consecutive year, the league received an “A” on racial hiring and a “C” on gender hiring for an overall grade of “B.”

Of all the Racial and Gender Report Cards issued this year, the WNBA received the highest marks among pro leagues with an A+ for race and an A for gender.

Major League Baseball got a combined B+. TIDES is part of the DeVos Sport Business Management Program located within the CBA.

The full report is available on the TIDES website. The report was authored by Richard Lapchick, director, with Wayne Clark, Demetrius Frazier, and Christopher D. Sarpy.

To read the Associated Press story on, visit NFL gets high marks for racial diversity.