For anybody concerned about job uncertainty and the economy, earning a college degree can offer stability and reassurance. A new UCF online degree initiative will help people find the time to fit a good education into a busy life without increasing stress.
Called “Learning on Demand,” the new program will target those who’d like to pursue a degree but don’t have the hours to commit in a classroom.
“Instead of making people rearrange their lives to become students, we want to change the way we deliver education to help them earn their degrees,” said David Harrison, vice provost for UCF Regional Campuses.
“We want people to know that UCF fits into their lives.”
When it debuts in Fall 2009, Learning on Demand will offer five programs of study: bachelor’s degrees in Applied Science, Interdisciplinary Studies and Nursing (for students who are already registered nurses) and master’s degrees in Nursing and Social Work. The programs were chosen according to student and employer demands.