The UCF College of Business Administration Student Ambassadors challenged their peers to write their biggest fears on the walls for all of the university to see.
“A great education…requires students to get out of their comfort zones, experiment, build relationships with people who are different than themselves and risk failure so that they can succeed,” stated Paul Jarley, Ph.D., dean of the college.
The Student Ambassadors are a group of student leaders in the college working toward an engaging, risk-taking and collaborative culture. As promised, the college has planned a series of events to encourage students to be well invested in their education and college experience.
For three days, CBA Student Ambassadors provided window markers for any student to write “What risks will you take?” on the Office of Professional Development glass walls and other glass walls throughout the college buildings. The college is planning several more interactive activities this throughout the year to attract student and faculty attention and get more people engaged.
“This was a great activity for student engagement and challenged them to break out of the norm to express how they will get to their desired career or life,” said Student Ambassador President Amanda Brown. “After realizing their fears, students will be motivated to overcome any obstacles that prevent them from accomplishing their goals.” Students wrote on the walls, took pictures, and uploaded the pictures on social media while using #UCFBusiness. Pictures were also displayed on the video wall in the Business Administration building.