Student Enhancement Training program – Ready, SET Go, is an Student Development and Enrollment Services student employee certification program offering students the opportunity to enhance their skill set.
A total of 35 SDES student employees participated in the fall 2010 Ready, SET Go program and 13 students received Expert Certification (finished 8 or 9 modules) while 16 students received Basic Certification (finished 4 modules).
The program consists of nine modules including: Time Management, Career Planning, Technology, Leadership Development, Customer Service, Diversity, QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), Gatekeeper Training, Civility in the Workplace, and Integrity in the Workplace.
Htin Aung and Brennan Roberson, student assistants for Transfer and Transition Services, were among the SDES student employees who received certificates. “SET modules are very beneficial for UCF student employees, especially the career planning module,” said Aung. “The module explained about life planning theories and career choices that helped me improve my performance at work and to better assist other students.”