Student Disability Services hosted a student and faculty recognition event to celebrate the achievements of UCF students with disabilities and faculty who demonstrated excellence in the area of academic accommodation.
At the event, it was noted that 131 students registered with SDS had filed their intent to graduate for spring 2012, which is a record high. Pam Rea, director for SDS, commended faculty members who think globally by designing their courses to be accessible for all students. She also discussed the creation of a faculty/student advisory board at SDS, so the concerns of students and faculty members could be voiced and addressed.
New and exciting technology that is on the horizon for SDS was revealed including Knights Access, a computerized system for making accommodation requests, and DocSoft, which will improve UCF’s system of producing closed captioned videos. SDS continues to make gains toward greater accessibility on campus.
SDS is an office in the Division of Student Development and Enrollment Services.