Art Student Views Life After Graduation as a New Canvas “Art has always been about letting go of your preconceived notions of how things should work and just allowing the best of what’s possible to unfurl naturally,” says Rex Hammack.
Artists Confront Topic of Climate Change Science and art often overlap – as in an upcoming climate-change exhibit presented by UCF’s School of Visual Arts & Design and the CREATE Program.…
UCF, Orlando Science Center Fuse Art with Science at New Gallery The national educational movement to promote the seamless working relationship of science and art has taken the next step, teaming up the UCF School of…
UCF Forum: An Ode to Florida’s Summer – And a Time to Remember It is summer in Florida again, when I always think back to my first summers here and why I still love this time of year.…
Together, Science and Art Can Provide Answers in Search for Truth As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of UCF this year, we are reminded that the core benefit of an upper-level education is the opportunity to…
Center for Emerging Media Features Poindexter Artworks Artwork by UCF associate professor of art Carla Poindexter will be on display March 1-15 at Gallery 500 in the UCF Center for Emerging Media.…
In Attempt to Quell Violence, Don’t Publicly Identify ‘Mentally Disturbed’ I am certainly not in a position to judge whether a student appears mentally disturbed or unstable in the sense that he or she might…
The Sideshow of ‘Side Show’ UCF’s School of Visual Arts & Design and the Theatre Department are collaborating for an event themed around the theatre’s production of Side Show, a…
Annual Show to Feature 30 Faculty Artists New works by 30 faculty members of UCF’s School of Visual Arts & Design will be on display Oct. 18-Nov. 16 at their annual show…
Florida Watercolor Society Selects UCF Art Student for Award UCF art student Christie Gonzales was presented with a recent $1,000 scholarship for her work in watercolor painting by the Florida Watercolor Society at its…
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal