UCF Recognizes Nine Top Faculty at 2024 Luminary Awards The honor is designed to recognize some of UCF’s brightest stars who shine a positive light on UCF and in their respective fields.
UCF Office of Research Awards 3 Faculty Fellowships to Accelerate Research Enterprise The faculty will help strengthen university research initiatives starting Fall 2024 through Summer 2025.
UCF Team Awarded $2.3M Grant for Innovative Intervention to Prevent Falls Through interdisciplinary collaboration and a community partnership, UCF researchers are seeking to address falling, which is the leading cause of injury and hospitalization among older adults.
Robots, AI Not as Welcomed in Nations Where Income Inequity is High Businesses should consider the results of a new study that shows workers in countries with greater income inequality are more likely to perceive robots and artificial intelligence as job threats.
New UCF Project Examines How Teams Will Work Together During Space Missions The research could help combat the decreases in cognition that can occur during long space travels.
Using Technology to Help Reduce Substance Addiction UCF Professor Lidia Meshesha looks to help curb addiction by tapping into easily accessible technology.
New UCF Project Will Explore Using AI to Improve Telehealth Not seeing a doctor face-to-face brings challenges, such as a chance that an illness could be missed or misdiagnosed, but UCF researchers are looking at how AI can help prevent this.
UCF RESTORES Starts New Mental Health Services in Orange County for COVID-19 The work will focus on mental health services for residents of Azalea Park and essential workers in Orange County at no cost.
Re-examining Gratitude During a Difficult Year While 2020 has been a difficult year, psychology and College of Medicine faculty members emphasize why and how you should still find things to be thankful for.
UCF Study Will Look at Transitional Housing Effectiveness for Survivors of Domestic Violence Housing programs can serve as a lifeline for domestic violence survivors and their children – providing them with vital resources to leave abusive relationships and…
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal