UCF Researchers Lead Project to Develop AI-driven Technologies for Agriculture The study will examine technologies to improve the industry’s field operations, allowing for more accurate and informed agricultural decisions.
UCF Celebrates International Women in Engineering Day, Featuring the BRaIN Lab This International Women in Engineering Day, we recognized Helen Huang, associate professor in mechanical and aerospace engineering who leads the BRaIN Lab and its research on how the brain influences how we move our bodies and maintain our mobility.
UCF Team Awarded $2.3M Grant for Innovative Intervention to Prevent Falls Through interdisciplinary collaboration and a community partnership, UCF researchers are seeking to address falling, which is the leading cause of injury and hospitalization among older adults.
UCF Researcher Studies Alternative Treatment for Depression, Pain and Addiction The research paves the way for personalized treatments using neural stimulations of the brain.
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal