Growing Optimism for the Real Estate Industry – At Last! UCF College of Business Administration School of Real Estate hosts first ever conference to explore the condition and prognosis of real estate
Randy Anderson Releases Forecast; Gives Keynote Speech Randy Anderson, the Howard Phillips Eminent Scholar Chair and professor of Real Estate, has been very busy lately. He co-authored the newly released Industrial Space Demand…
Anderson Speaks on Market Conditions Several hundred attendees of the Florida Apartment Association’s (FAA) Annual Meeting listened to a presentation on the current market conditions given by Randy Anderson, the Howard…
Two From UCF Named to Real Estate Editorial Board Randy Anderson, Howard Phillips Eminent Scholar Chair in the Dr. P. Phillips Institute for Research and Education in Real Estate, and Nico B. Rottke, who…
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal