Today’s Lesson: The Gift of Failure Teaching grade-school basics to the next generation of dreamers and doers has always been one of Peyton Giessuebel ’18 ’21MEd’s life goals. But adding her failed experiences to her lesson plans was far from it.
Former Foster Care Child, Now Mother of 3 Reaches Goal of Becoming Teacher Recent spring graduate Jeanette Marie Reynoso shares her unlikely path to achieving her dream.
Growing Teachers for the Community UCF and Lake County Schools are building a local pathway to supply new teachers to meet an urgent need.
27 UCF Graduate Programs Ranked Among the Top 100 in the Nation Emergency management, nonprofit management and counselor education among the top programs included in U.S. News & World Report’s 2020 guide to the Best Graduate Schools.
9 UCF Alumni-Owned Businesses to Support on Small Business Saturday The event, which will be held Nov. 24 this year, reminds us to shop local, support those in the community and is a chance to support fellow Knights.
CEDHP Elementary Education Majors Help Area Students Develop Writing Skills April 30th was more than just a regular day of school at Arbor Ridge Elementary; for more than 25 grade school students it was also…
UCF Elementary Education Students Learn and Teach Simultaneously at Area Schools The College of Education and Human Performance’s Professional Development School Consortium is helping to achieve UCF’s goal of becoming “America’s Partnership University” by engaging undergraduates, faculty, community…
HAPPY Hour Student Showcase Speaker Reinforces the Power of Education This year’s HAPPY Hour Student Showcase celebrated the 10th anniversary of the HAPPY Hour workshop program, which offers seminars, activities, and professional development opportunities to…
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal