Planned Giving Donors Leave a Lasting Impression Millican Society Event Honors Supporters and Namesake
Honoring a 'History Maker' and His 'Brightest Star' Charles Millican, the University of Central Florida’s founding president, was honored Thursday, April 22, with the John Young History Maker Award. Presented by the Historical…
UCF Mourns the Loss of Its First First Lady “The entire UCF family mourns the loss of our first First Lady, Frances Millican. She brought grace, class and style to everything she touched,” said…
UCF's Founding President and Wife Hospitalized After Fall Charles Millican, the founding president of the University of Central Florida, and his wife, Frances, were being treated at a hospital Sunday after falling at…
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal