Making Holiday Eating Healthy AND Fun Many traditional holiday dishes are high in fat and sugar — here’s College of Medicine faculty member Magdalena Pasaric , who specializes in nutritional science, provides advice for a healthier approach.
Tell Me Something Good — The Benefits of Gratitude For advice on how to practice gratitude, we turn to Katherine Daly, a licensed psychologist who leads wellness efforts at the UCF College of Medicine.
Letting Down Your Guard Can Spread COVID-19 Virus can spread at fun, casual events if you’re not practicing safety protocols
Is Your Ailment a Cold, the Flu or COVID-19? A guide to common symptoms of these three contagious respiratory viruses
Elections, Health and COVID-19 Whatever our political opinions, we all want to stay well, have access to healthcare
If You’re A COVID-19 Survivor, Consider Donating Your Blood Plasma Jane Gibson, a College of Medicine expert in molecular pathology and genetics, shares some guidelines for donating plasma and how previously infected patients can help current ones.
Why Heath Literacy Matters — Especially During COVID-19 Three UCF faculty and staff experts provide advice on how to read and understand information to make make appropriate health decisions.
Structure and Routine Can Help Combat Childhood Obesity, Especially During Difficult Times like COVID-19 Keith Brazendale of UCF’s Department of Health Sciences says COVID-19 has altered normal routine for many children, which can lead to weight gain
Do Gloves Protect You from COVID-19? Erica Hoyt of UCF’s College of Nursing says wearing gloves may actually increase the spread of germs.
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal